At least pretend to love me

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Episode 3

Kevin finds kirstie crying on a curb miles and miles away. She is homeless now. She threw her phone into a river so no one could find her, but kevin found her. He picks her up and carries her to a hotel where they stayed the night. She showers and he waits politely. 

“kirstie,I’m not mad at you. You’re a beautiful girl and thse men are showing you attention. You deserve the attention. You’re so beautiful,” he said to her, embracing her ggently.

“Kevin, I’m so sorry. I tore us apart. What can I do to fix this?”

“Kiss me.”

They kissed and kevin started to beatbox into her mouth .

“Kevin I love you the most. Ive been too scared to tell you. Those other guys were just fillers until I met you!”

“I’m so glad to hear that. I wrote you a song on cello.”

He plays her a beautiful sonata on his cello and she cries for five hours. They kiss some more. They hug.

“Kirstie, will you marry me>?” Kevin pulls out a diamond ring.

“Of course!”

Do You Really Love Me? - A Pentatonix FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now