Girl i don't care if that love is real

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Episode 4

On their wedding day, the other members of ptx are nowhere to be found.  The olusolas and Maldonado family watch happily as the two of them are united. Kirstin taylor Maldonado-olusola walks down the aisle holding kevin’s arm proudly.

At the reception they make an announcement.

“Attention, everyone. Kirstie and I are making our own a cappelllaa groupcalled MajorSecondz. “

Everyone clapped and cheered as they premiered their act together. Kevin celloboxed and sang as kirstie had so many solos.

Suddenly, Mitch busts into the room screaming.


They go outside to find scott and avi fighting each other, totally drunk.

Kirstie runs to stop them but trips on her wedding dress and hits her head on a rock. She went unconscious.

Do You Really Love Me? - A Pentatonix FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now