they tell me to get out while I can

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Episode 7

Kirstie wakes up again. That was just a dream. She woke up outside the reception hall on the ground. She had barely been out for a minute.

Kevin was beside her, holding her head. “You’re bleeding. Let me apply some light pressure.”

He hugs her head as they await a paramedic. Meanwhile, scott and avi stopped fighting and run over to kirstie and kevin.

“Hey, back off. Give her some space!” Kevin yelled at them. This was the first time any of them had seen kevin truly angrey.

Avi runs far away, but scott stays there.After the paramedic leaves, having given kirstie the clear, they resume the night. Scott watched longingly through the window as Kevstie shares their first dance as a married couple.

“Why is that not me?” Scott asks mitch.

“Because you told her you didn’t love her.”

“But I did. I do. I always will. No one can ever come close.”

Do You Really Love Me? - A Pentatonix FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now