Don't worry, my heart is made of steel

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Episode 23

Scott woke up next to mitc h and kevin on the floor of avi’s apartment. Where’s kirstie? He thought. It was 3 in the moringn. 

He hears whispering in a different room. It sound s like two girls.

He gets up and walked to the bathroom. When he is done, he walks toward the voices.

“You can’t be with kevin anymore, kirstie. You can’t. You promised me you would be with me.”

“Esther… I know I love you, but I re ally do love him. I really really really do love him.”

“I can’t believe this. And you didn’t even tell me about avi. “

Scott peeked around the co rner and saw kirstie and esther  sitting in a back room in the dark, they are holding hands and sitting facing each other.

“Scott?” Esther dropped kirstie’s hand and stood up rapidly. She walkes to scott. “What are you doing up?”

“I heard… voices so I came to see who it was… I’m glad you’re here, es. “ He pretends that eh didn’t hear anything!

Do You Really Love Me? - A Pentatonix FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now