so i listened

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Episode 9

The next morning Kirstie and kevin woke up in a passionate embrace. It was raining outside, which seemed uncharacteristic of Fiji. They heard a buzz and looked over on the night stand and see their phones. They pick them up and see many text messages and voicemails.

All of them said: “Watch out, there’s a hurricane coming to Fiji!”

“Actually,” said kevin, “It’s called a cyclone if it’s in the pcific ocean. “

He is so smart. My man. Kirstie thought to herself.

Suddenly the power went out in their suite. It was almost pitch black until they opened the curtains to see rain coming sidewas. Kirstie gasps and kevin hugs her closer.

They hear a pounding on the door. The go answer it. It is one of the  resort staff people. He told them to follow him to the severe weather shelter.

The shelter was even more luxurious than the resort!!! It had a backup generator and free drinks and food.

“Hey, I could get used to this. Ride on, cyclone. Ride on.” Kevin said, grinning with his beautiful white teeth lighting up the room.

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