If you give me a chance...

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Episode 31

Avi sprinted back to his housing area in the bas skkngdom. Tessa wasn't even running--she glides sildently behind him, catchign up to him. He was breathing heavily and his heart is racing. He reaches his door and slammed it close behind him. 

He lockesd the door and turns around. Tessa was standing there.

"How did you get in?!" AVI screams bertatatethless.

"We don't need doors. We can go wherever we want." Tsessa seemed taller and more muscular suddenly.

"What does that mean?" Avi felt shorter and shorter. Tessa was growing right in front of his eye!s! "What are you?"

"I'm the girl of your dreams, Avi. I'm everything you could ever want."

Avi takes a powerfull step foreward. "I don't want you."

Tessa takes a step towards himand grows even taller. "I don't care what you want anymore. You're here for me. I will no longer be serving you."

"That doesn't sound like the basskingdom, Tessa. I've been here long enough to realizes that."

"Don't act like you know more than I do. Avi, i OWN you."

"You said you and  your sisters are here to serve me. I OWN YOU!"

Tessa lets out a wickedly evil laugh and her eyes begin glowing a piercing neon green co.lor. "No, no, Avi. You're sorely mistaken. As soon as our prisoners realize they're prisnsoners, all their life force gets transferred into us. You want tod know why you haventne seen any other men here? THey all learned what this was and what we are. Sure, they learned much more slowly than you did, but you're here now, and you're never getting out."

Avi backed up againts the door behind him. 

Tessa continues, "We sisters share a life force, and we feed on bass power. Slowly but surely, you're draining away, and we're growing stronger. We neEd men here to feed uppon and maintain our strength. You're just our latest meal, Avi."

"Why me?"

"You're the most powerf ul base around. You landed yourself down here, big guy." She winks. Avi blushesd. "Now, you can enjoy your last few weeks of life down here, or you can continue this way and drain your life away. At this rate, you've got 12 hours left, tops."

Tessa began shrinking.And the glow in her eyes dissipippitated. 

"Are you losing powerr?:" Avi asked, gaininconfidenc.e...

"OCourse not. I'm just transfring some to my sisters. There's plenty in you to share."

"Fine, tesa. Let's go back to the way things were. At least my last days will be happy."

"I'm glad to hear that, Avi." She took off her top and exposed her chest to Avi. "You wanna go to the bdedroom?"

Avi had an idea. "Sure, let's go," he says, slipping off his clothes. (Hey, a guy has needs, right?)

Do You Really Love Me? - A Pentatonix FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now