I'm wasting my time

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Episode 36

Avi catched Mitch's body as he fals to the ground, bleedingly. 

"Please, NO. NO! NO ! NO NON ! O NO NONO ! NO NO NO NONONONO NO NO NO NO!{" Avi sobs.

Stephanie smirked. "You've just done the worst poss ible think Avi....at least for yourself. You sees, Mitch here was something like a gOd to us. He was the one non-bass able to traverse between musical kingdoms. He had power over us. Now, you've kill him!"

Avi stares up at her, holding his secret boyfriend's body as the life drained from it. He clutched Mitch's body and holded it closer to his self, crying. "How could you do this?"

"Avi.......... I didn[t do it. You did it. You see that knife there on the ground? You pickdd it up. You hid behind the door. You stabbed it into his back. You chose to do this. You killed him. I didn't do it. No one but you did it."

"How was I suppose to know?!"

"Well, I'm assuming you meant to kill me, so it looks leke this all turnt out just fine..." She smirks again wickedly like a wicked witch who is wicked. She walks out of the building and she laughed.

Avi crys harder and harder and harder and harder. Mitch is loosing blood fast. 

"Avi," Mitch says in a horse whisperer.  "I'm so glad you're alive. I lvoe you so much avi. Never forget that..."

Avi's tears fell on mitch as he gazes down at his lover. Mitch has a small smile on his angelic face. 

"Can we sing one last song,a vi? Can we sing our song??" Mitch smiled up, his breathing is shallow and ragged. Aiv knew exactly what song he is talking about. He does not know if he was strong enough to do it tho.

"Sure, mitch. Of course. I would love to," avi's body was shaking with soft sobs.

They began to sing in soft, beautiful haromnie. "every night in my dreams, i see you i feel you....that is how i know you go on.........................near far where ever you are!..."

They hit the climax of the song in such a perfectly in-tune harmony that the basskingdom started shaking. It satarted softly, but it gets stronger very quick. The walls of avi's house started to crumble, and avi knew that this might be the last thing he ever seed. He leans forward and plants a soft ksis on mitch's fourhead and held him really close. The shaking got stronger and stronger and stronger. The house was sure to collapse. Avi knows he could get out, but he would rather die than leave perfect, inocent miTch there. 

The walls fell upon them, and avi knew it was over...

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