and ran

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Episode 10

Avi is worried sick. He knew Fiji was a small island in the middle of the ocean. What if something happened to kevin and KirStie?? He tried not to think of it. He called and texted both of them repeatedly, but he doesn’t hear back.

He starts singing to calm his nerves. He sang a low B to start. Earth-shattering B. he recalls scott’s vine of him. He sings a B-flat. Then an A. He keeps going lower and lower. Suddenly, the room started to shake. His low notes caused the tectonic plates to shift. Suddenly, a vast crevasse opens up and he falls into it!

Across town, Mitch and scott are at a shsopping mall. An earthquake happens and they fall down onto the ground.

“My God. What just happened. Are you okay?” Scott says frantically.

“Yeah, I’m good. Tha twas terrifying.” Mitch stands up and brushes his clothes off. They pi[ck up their bags and walk ahead. Looking for any news of damage to the cit y.

Mitch decides to text Avi to make sure he’s okay. He gets no reply..................

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