2. The deal goes

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Hi, I'm the author who usually forgets to update her shit. So... uh, here you guys go. So sorry for leaving you all in the dark. hahah. Please don't kill me.

Special thanks tooooooooo DUN DUN DUN Mash_5sos_cake Thank you for giving me sooo many references for my characters. I'm well aware that I am lazy. And I would never turn down help from anyone willing. lol.


"I don't want to," I grumbled as I ate my cereal. Mom gives me a stern look, then went back to preparing lunch. She flipped the burger patties, stirred the fried rice, and checked the oven. She definitely had skills hovering around the kitchen effortlessly.

"You have to," Mom points the spatula to me. I rolled my eyes and ruefully dug into my bowl of cereal. Ignoring her endless banter that would only result with me feeling guilty. "He's your cousin. You two were so close back then-"

Maybe if I rolled my eyes back longer, she'll think I'm being possessed and get an exorcist. Then that means we won't have to spend the whole weekend with my relatives. I love Aunt Ellie, she's a bad ass. And I definitely think Uncle Xander is cool. But Ken tends to be... out there. It's as if he's just an entirely different person. I'm worried, but I have no idea what to do. It's just one of those things where you can't force someone to change when they aren't willing. I can be there for him, and I will, but forcing us to actually spend time together- now that's just an impending disaster. I will always be there for him, but I'll never in my right mind force him to do something he's uncomfortable with.

That's like me being forcefully dragged into church. It didn't end well last time. I don't bash on anyone who's religious, I respect you in all actuality. Just as long as you don't shove your belief and faith down my throat, we'll be okay. Friends even.

"Mom!" I whined, my head throbbing from her preaching. She raised a brow, hoisting the spatula in midair. I sunk back in my chair not saying anything more. The door bell rang signalling that the end was near. Waiting on the other side of the door.

"Go answer it," she commanded with one last look. It was a look that definitely meant all my lovely possessions I hold dear will be taken away. Car, laptop, and phone. My mother is evil. I begrudgingly walked over to the front door, plastering a fake smile along the way. I even straightened my dark green sweater and patted my black skirt off of invisible dust.

"Emma! How are you my little cupcake?" Aunt Ellie engulfs me in her signature bear hug. I felt like I was being hugged to death. Uncle Xander chuckled and pried her off of me to give me a hug himself, "Hey little bug."

"Okay stop with the little, you guys. I'm already 18." I playfully nudged them away but hugged them again. I've missed them. It's been a long while since we moved away and couldn't be able to visit back home. We've took turns visiting one another's homes, but to this day no one really found out what's been the real 'issue' with my eccentric cousin.

"Ken, say hi to your cousin." Uncle Xander tried to suggest but failed when he just stood there. I forced a smile and shook my head at them.

Ken stood behind my two loving Aunt and Uncle, his deep gray eyes staring at me. His dark curls poking out of the hoodie he had covering his head. As usual, he wore clothes that spelled out how much he couldn't care less about anything. Black hoodie loosely covering his body, dark gray sweatpants and beat up generic chucks.

"Why don't you come in?" I ushered them. Aunt Ellie looked back, her eyes flashing a great deal of worry for her son. Uncle Xander shook his head and lead her into the house with him. He gave me one last pat on the shoulder as if I could handle the whole situation.

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