14. Oh Sam you bastard

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I watch intently as the bubbles around me explode. Every small movements I made causes a ripple in the water. I took a deep breath before fully submerging myself in it's warmth. Right after my parents left, I made myself a bubble bath to try and remove all the stress from my body.

If only it were that easy.

I got out of the bath eventually after my finger tips pruned up. The only thing my jumbled up mind could think of was a source for warmth. So I chose to wear plain black leggings and a maroon knit sweater. Along with a leather jacket to make me warmer when I go out. I needed to go out. Even if it's something basic like going to get coffee from a ridiculously priced cafe.

It's something I usually do when overcome with so many emotions. Though a little cup of coffee can't fully rid me of my depression and such-- it's a small treat that can distract me for the time being. Even though everything is shit, I have come to realize little things like these usually make it better.

Even if something that's supposed to be a sweet treat becomes bland on my tongue. Because that's what depression is. I can't fully combat it. But I can always try. Everyday is hard. Getting up from bed is hard. But I have to start somewhere. Or I won't start at all.

"Hey kiddo," the jolly man who usually works the cash register greets me. I waved and proceed to give him my order all the while plastering a smile. I may feel like shit but that doesn't affect my attitude towards others.

".. God this is the worst customer service ever.. making us wait in line.." I felt my eye twitch at the sound of the rudeness my ear picked up. Can I just please have one day of peace and quiet?

"You! Old man!" The lady points to the cashier who's about to switch off with another worker. "Stop stalling and get on with it!" I clenched my jaw and turned around to make eye contact with the woman. "What are you planning to order?" I asked quite nicely. She was caught off guard with my question.

"A banana muffin. Are you done yet? If so, move over." She snapped. I smiled and faced the new cashier, "I just have one more order."

Taking one last glance at the lady, I smiled and ordered, "I'll have all of your banana muffins." The cashier raised a brow, "All of them?"

"Yes. All of them. Even the ones you have in stock. Thanks," I hand him my card and sat at a nearby table. The lady released a full set of curses before stomping out of the cafe. I let the employee know that I'd prefer to give everyone in the store the muffins. Everyone, even the employees-- with the exception of that rude lady.

I hate it when people think less of other people just because of their profession. They honestly deserve more for having to face entitled bitches in their everyday lives.

"Ooh muffins," Sam sat in the seat next to me and gulped down at least five. I didn't know if I was amazed or scared for his esophagus.

"What brings you here?" I ask as I sip some of my coffee. He hums while still devouring muffins, "Nothing."

"Stalker," I narrowed my eyes.

"Nuh uh," he playfully responds. A small smile formed while we both disagreed with each other. After numerous "Uh huh" and "Nuh uh"s, we settled for just hanging out. I drove to the nearest movie theatre where we chose to watch a horror movie. Sam got the tickets while I stuffed my sweater and jacket with muffins. My parents may be ridiculously rich but I'm not. And I will choose to smuggle food in rather than spending 5 bucks on a small little paper bag of popcorn. It's ridiculous.

"I successfully brought ten of these," I hold up a bag of the muffins with a sly smile. "What about the drinks?" Sam raises a brow. I roll my eyes and wave dismissively, "Momma raised no bitch. We're just gonna have to suck it up and not choke."

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