Chapter 13

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"I'm Eto" she introduced herself
"How do you know about me?"
"Everyone in Aogiri knows about you. Ayato never leaves if he doesn't have a mission. Everyone knows about his sweetheart." She smiled "so now that you know about the raid-"
"How do you know that I know" you asked
"I may or may have not followed you two, but that's not the problem now. The main problem is that you know too much. That's where my part begins."
"Who are you?"
"You don't have to know anything except my name, not even my name can be useful now."
"Enough with questions, (f/n). I need to ask some now"
"What is it?" You asked
"What do you think about ghouls?" She leaned closer to you
You raised an eyebrow. What kind of question was that? "Well... I don't know, depends I guess..."
"What do you think about being with Ayato all the time?" She leaned even closer to you and but you stepped back.
"What do you mean all the time?"
"Basically, living together"
"That's not possible, you know I am not ghoul"
"I know that honey, I can smell you from miles away"
"That what are you trying to say" you asked
"What do you think about becoming a ghoul?"


"Are you crazy?"
"I'm perfectly sane if that is an answer to your next question. I'm giving you the opportunity to never feel afraid or weak. I'm giving you the opportunity of being powerful and independent person" she leaned closer to whisper something in you ear. You were just speechless. You didn't move away this time. You listened to her. When she was done, she just waved and left.

"Good morning, (f/n)" your dad greeted you
"Good morning dad" you said with an expressionless face
"I need to go already, today we have a lot of work"
"Why don't you skip today, you have a lot of free days you can use"
"You never asked me to do that, why so sudden?"

Don't tell him and he'll be safe

"Mom is not home today, I wanted to have some father-daughter time" you lied
"Not today sweetheart, I really have to work today"
You nodded and hugged him, and then he left.

It's only you and your thoughts now. A lot of things is going around in you head. You hoped for the best for both your father and Ayato. You knew he was one of the most important ghouls there which should make him one of the strongest. You thought about Things that happened lately in general. You turned on the TV after some time to see if there are some news about the raid. You were probably the only human that knew it before it happened. As you switched through the channels, you saw that almost every single one of it reported about the raid. There were only reporters in front of the building from where you could hear emergency sirens. You turned off the TV and took a book to read. You needed to take your mind off everything.

The evening soon came and your mother came home. She greeted you with the smile, but her face got worried expression as soon as she saw yours.

"Something happened, honey?"
"You didn't hear about the raid?"
"What raid?" She asked you as she took off her cardigan
"Ghouls attacked the dove base"
"What? Did dad call you?"
"No, he-"

You heard the door squeak and both you and your mother turned around and saw your smiling father.

"Dad, is everything okay?"
"Surprisingly, it is. I am the only one that got away with minor wounds
"How?" Your mom asked
"I don't know, the ghoul was alone and seemed inexperienced"

You smiled, you knew it was Ayato. He kept his promise and you were grateful.

"I am going to my friends house. We are having a sleepover, I'll be going then" you said
"You didn't tell us about it." Your father said
"I know, but I told her I can go, so please" you said and hugged them tightly
"It's fine, you can go" your mom said as she hugged you back
"I love you both" you said
"We love you too, honey" your parents said
"I'll be going then"

You left the house and started walking away, but turned one more time to look at your house once more.

"Sorry for lying to you, mom and dad, I promise everything is going to be alright"


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