Chapter 18

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You woke up at what it seemed to be the middle of the night. You rubbed your eyes and looked around you only to realize you had no idea where you were. You sat up and looked around you to see if there was anything that could tell you where you were, but nothing did. You walked towards the door and opened them slowly. You peeked through it and saw the living room of Ayato's apartment. You realized you were probably in his bedroom. You stepped out of it and saw there was no one inside. Ayato wasn't there and you wondered where he was. You got out of the apartment and made your way towards the stairs through the dark hallways. You wondered through the floors with hope someone would tell you where he was, but there was no one. Only when you reached 29th floor you heard faint footsteps. You ran towards that sound but it seemed like it immediately stopped. You cautiously walked through the hallway but accidentally bumped into something. You rubbed your forehead and looked up to see who or what was that. It was that man in white whom you'd seen before. You bowed to apologize.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't see you" you quickly said and looked at his eyes.

He just nodded his head and went somewhere down the hall. You took your chance and went towards the direction he came from. You walked further until you reached the big door. You could hear faint voices coming from the inside but you couldn't really tell what they were talking about. You leaned your ear on the door and tried to distinguish the voices and hear what they were talking about, but you it was still hard to tell. You shut your eyes and tried concentrate more but as you leaned all the way towards the door, someone opened the door and you fell with your face hitting the cold tiles. You winced in pain and rubbed your elbow with your body still facing the ground. You raised your head to see Kaneki by the door, eyes full of concern. You looked up to see a big, round table, where Ayato sat, literally face palming, and the other, unknown, guy just smirking at you.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" The unknown guy sat up and approached you
"Yamori" Ayato warned him.
"So this is the lady who captured the heart of our Ayato. You hold some huge power there, girl." Yamori continued

You slowly sat up and looked at Kaneki for help. He smiled lightly while nodding his head and walked towards the table.

"Come on, Yamori, we have a lot to discuss"

Yamori put his hands in pockets and approached the table sitting there again. You just stood there awkwardly, waiting for someone to give you a command, but they just sat in silence, only Kaneki rummaging through some papers.

"Are you just going to stand there or come sit here?" Ayato asked, not even looking at you
"Can I?" You questioned
"Unless you don't want to" Ayato told you

You approached the table and sat next to Ayato. Kaneki already placed the map of probably some CCG center. There is a lot of doodling on the map. It is written where executives are placed, where the army is placed and where the CCG is expected. You eyes the map as everyone else, but as you read through it, you noticed that it isn't really ideal.

"If you put the executives here" you pointed at the place on the map "you will have a giant hole on this side at the stage 2 battle since one army squad isn't enough to cover the CCG members. There will be a lot of CCG on this side because this is the main entrance as it is written here" you pointed on the other part of the map.

Kaneki looked at the map like the other two executives. They were just staring at it for a minute, until Kaneki took the pen and wrote your version of plan. They all looked at you with an approving look, and you smiled at them.

"Welcome to the executives, (f/n)" Yamori said

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating, I had school leaving exams last week, but the good news is that I did really well so my summer holiday has officially started!!
Thanks for reading and vote and comment 😀😉😄

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