Chapter 20

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"Stop immediately" it was CCG

Putting on your mask, you turned around to see around ten of them, all heavily armed with their quinques pointed towards the two of you. Seeing that, you started shaking. You have never been in a real fight. You have never tried your skills in a real battle, but it also gave you a thrill. You were excited to try everything you've been doing in the training room.

Ayato released his kagune. Seeing his wings, CCG members all tensed up. You followed, so you also released your kagune. Ayato then lightly nodded. You both started running towards them and jumped up when you were righ in front of them. You tried kicking them with your kagune, but the quinque of that member blocked it. You tried punching him some more, but then you got really pissed cause you couldn't take him down, so you wrapped your rinkaku tail around his quinque. You lifted him up and stabbed him in the stomach. You then dropped him down on the ground, and he was left there coughing blood before totally passing out. You were all happy and excited to face the next one, but Ayato already stood there with his arms crossed. You gave him a weird look, but you soon got the message. He finished off the remaining nine CCG members. Seeing that made you angry.

"It's not fairrrrr" you whined cutely
Ayato smirked and watched your expression with an amused look.
"I didn't get to kill anyyyyyy" you again prolonged the last word
"You killed one" Ayato said making you more irritated

You pouted but stopped complaining anyways. You both went back to the Aogiri base. You both went up to the 21st floor to make a report on your mission and CCG encounters for today. They asked about the number of CCG, types of quinques, level of training... When you were done, Ayato as always had to go in a meeting. You went back to the apartment. You went to the bathroom, took a shower, washed your hair and dried it after. When you got out of the bathroom, you noticed that Ayato still didn't co e back. You were wonderig what took him so long, but still didn't have any energy to look for him now, so you just threw yourself to bed. You decides to take a little nap and wait for him, but you just couldn't keep your eyes open any longer and eventually fell asleep.

You were a light sleeper so you didn't really miss the sound of Ayato entering the Apartment. You could tell tjat he was trying to not to make noise in order not to wake you up, but he was actually really clumsy and he really bumped into every single thing that crossed his path. You smiled at that,but still didn't let him know you were awake, well, half awake. He finally got into bed next to you. Pulling the covers over the two of you, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. You smiled at the affection but it gave your cover away. He noticed tjat you were awake so he chuckled lightly.

"What took you so long?" You asked while snuggling closer to his chest.

"Were you waiting for me?" He smiled as he played with a strand of your hair.

"Mhm" you nodded weakly

"The CCG we encountered today weren't all dead."

"How do you know that?" You looked up at him

"They have some information about you" He inhaled "they have the description of your mask and Kagune, also your aproximate height."

"Is that bad"

"No, they have information about all of us."

"So what took so long?"

"They were breaking into the datebase to get your name"

"My name? My real name" you asked totally concerned

"No, the names they call us" he answered "I'm the Black rabbit"

"And I?"



Heyy there lovely readers!! I'm really sorry for not updating for such a long time. I hope you like this chapter! Do you like Ayato being so affectionate?? Thank you for your votes and comments! They mean a lot! Till the next time!! :)

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