Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

       "You what?" Logan asked me. "Are you crazy?"

       "I'm not not crazy," I said. "Come on, Logan. Aren't you curious?"

       "Curious, yes," Logan agreed. "But I'm not stupid enough to put myself in even more danger. Fin, Ryan specifically told us not to look at what was in the box, but I did anyway. If he finds out that we know about it, I don't even want to think of that consequence."

       "But whatever is on the USB can be our ticket to getting out of Death by Death," I said. "Ryan said his colleague hid it while on the run, meaning it's something they don't want the cops seeing."

       "It could be instructions for a doomsday device," Flynn suddenly said from being me, making me jump a bit. 

       "Where did you come from?" I asked.

       "Well, one night, my birth parents decided not to use a co--"

       "That's not what I meant," I said. "You really need to stop sneaking up on people."

       "No thanks," Flynn said. "I'm with you, by the way. About finding out what was on that USB. I think we should do it."

       Logan sighed. "Yeah, and get in more trouble?"

       "Logan, we're serious," I said.

       "Okay, even if we wanted to find out what was on it, how would we?" Logan asked. "Ryan took it and we have no idea where it is."

       "Obviously it's somewhere with a computer," Flynn said.

       Logan and I both looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

       "What?" Flynn asked. "What would be the point of him taking it if he doesn't have a computer yet? Nobody knew where it was, so he could have well left it there until he had access to a computer."

       "That, or he gave it to someone he knows with a computer," I added.

       "Exactly," Flynn said. "So all we have to do is find where he's hiding or find out who he gave the USB to."

       "Yes, and in the meantime, we can paint huge targets on our faces," Logan said sarcastically.

       "Flynn has a point," I said. "Either way, someone with a computer has it and we should find out who."

       "And how are we going to do that?" Logan asked.

       "Simple," Flynn said. "All known members of Death by Death are listed on this thing called the internet. Have you heard of it?"

       Logan rolled his eyes irritably. "Yes, Flynn, I've heard of the internet."

       "Then you should know where I'm heading," Flynn said.

       "Yes, but you should say what your idea is because Fin probably doesn't get it," Logan said.

       I snorted. "Yes. I do not get it. Please explain, dear brother, for the sake of my understanding and not my boyfriend's because he obviously understands."

       Flynn raised an eyebrow. "You two have an interesting relationship. Anyway, we look at the list online of members of Death by Death and see their current status. Some are probably in prison, others are hiding, and some could have resigned. All we have to do is find out which one has the USB and if none of them do, then Ryan still has it."

       "Or, I have a better idea," Logan said. "We leave it and not care about it. We're back on Death Watch and these tasks are going to be more dangerous, and it's going to be hard enough as it is to survive. If we get caught trying to take the USB...."

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