Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

       "You know what I realized," I said to Logan, pausing the movie we were watching and turning to face him. "That we haven't gotten a task in a while."

       Logan groaned. "No, don't say that. Usually when one of us brings up the fact that we haven't done a task in a while, we end up doing a test shortly."

       "Those were coincidences," I said. "I'm serious, though. I'm happy we haven't done anything. Remember that he said they're going to be really dangerous?"

       Logan snorted. "Dangerous? We did two and both of them weren't dangerous."

       I raised an eyebrow. "Um, you do remember the first one, right? When you had to walk on that rope without a harness or a net underneath?"

       "Well, yeah, but I finished it," Logan said. "Therefore, it wasn't dangerous."

       "Do you even know the definition of dangerous?" I asked.

       "No, of course not," Logan said sarcastically. "Even though I have the highest GPA in school and everyone made fun of me for being a nerd, I don't know the definition of all."

       I just smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "If it's any consolation, you were a very cute nerd."

       "I'm still cute," Logan said. 

       "That, you are," I said. "So....How's Jake doing? It's kind of weird not having him here hanging out with Flynn and being all weird."

       "Yeah, I know," Logan said. "He's doing okay. He knows he doesn't have a chance with Flynn because we all know Flynn and Lilly will be a couple eventually."

       "What?" I asked. "No way."

       "Yes way," Logan said. "You know she likes him."

       I snorted. "Yeah, right. Lilly liking my younger brother?"

       "You see the way she's always asking his opinion on the clothes she wears," Logan said. "And how she indirectly asks for him to flirt with her."

       "Yeah, I still don't think she likes him," I said.

       "She totally does."

       "Okay, keep thinking that," I said.

       "I will because it's true. You just don't want to accept it."

       "I'm not accepting it because it's not true. I think Lilly, one of my best friends, would tell me if she liked someone."

       "Not really, not," Logan said. "Not everyone would tell their best friend if they like someone. Take Jake for example. You really think he's going to tell his best friend that he likes him?"

       "What?" a voice came nearby.

       Logan and I looked over, seeing Flynn  standing by the stairs. "Uh, hey, Flynn," Logan said. "So, any new games you've been playing?"

       "Jake likes me?" Flynn asked.

       "What? No," Logan said. "No, not you. Jake's....other best friend."

       "He doesn't have any other best friends, as sad as that is," Flynn said.

       "What about....that girl?"

       "Logan, stop trying to avoid what you just said," Flynn said. "I heard you. You said Jake likes his best friend, and you said it was a him. Is that why he doesn't come over anymore? Because he likes me?"

       Logan sighed and rubbed his forehead. "You did not hear that from me. In fact, you didn't hear it at all. Just forget I didn't say anything, okay?"

       "It's kind of hard to forget," Flynn said. "I didn't even know Jake was gay."

       "Pansexual," Logan corrected. "He's attracted to anyone and it doesn't matter about the biological sex or gender identity. And right now, he's attracted to his best friend."

       "And why hasn't he told me?" Flynn asked.

       "Because he knows he doesn't have a chance with you," Logan said.

       "Well, he's right there," Flynn said. "But still. I'm his best friend and I really miss hanging out with him. You know what? I'm going to go talk to him."

       "No, don't," Logan said. "He's really going to hate me if he finds out I told you."

       "But you didn't," Flynn said. "I was eavesdropping, so he can't get mad at you."

       "I told Fin, though," Logan said.

       Flynn shrugged. "That's your fault, not mine."

       "Flynn, did you hear anything else in the conversation?" I asked.

       "No, why?" Flynn asked.

       "No reason," I said. I was happy he didn't hear the part about Logan thinking Lilly liked Flynn. There was no way she liked him, and if Flynn heard what Logan said, that would only raise his ego.

       Flynn shrugged. "Well, I am going to talk to Jake. And by that, I mean I'm walking over to his house so he can't hide from me."

       "Flynn, I really think you should leave it alone," I said.

       "No way," Flynn said. "He's my best friend and if he's feeling all sad, I want to be there to comfort him, even if he's sad because of me. When Mom comes home, tell her I'm over at Jake's."

       When he left, Logan sighed. "Great. Now Jake is going to be really mad at me."

       "I doubt he'll get mad," I said. "He's not really the type of person to get mad."

       "I don't know," Logan said. "One time, my dad took Jake's computer away because he pulled an all-nighter on a school night and Jake got really angry. He was swearing and everything."

       I snorted. "But that has to do with him not being able to game. I don't think he's going to get mad at you."

       "If you say so," Logan said. "So, what do you think the next task is going to be?"

       "Who knows?" I said. "I'm pretty sure it will have to do with building the bomb, so we're probably going to have to get something else."

       The phone Ryan gave us suddenly beeped, so Logan pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the message. "Well, you're not wrong there," Logan said. "I told you if we talked about it, we would get a message."

       "Yeah, whatever," I said. "What does it say?"'

       "He's just telling us that we have to get about twenty metal scraps and...." Logan furrowed his eyebrows as he read the message. "We have two new people who will be doing the tasks with us."

       "What?" I asked. "Who?"

       Logan sighed. "Jake and Lilly."


Ooh how fun. cx

Omg, so if you read the message I posted to my followers a few days ago, I was saying how I'm shipping two of my characters, from different series, who are five years apart. One of them is in this series. ;)

AND YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE? Having a large family with only one shower. My sister has been in there for over an hour and a half and she's not even a teenager. She doesn't have to do all this stuff to get ready for bed. -.-

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