Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

       At lunch, I waled to the normal table I sat at in the cafeteria. Logan was already sitting down, his head resting on the table as his quiet snores sounded. I chuckled and sat down beside him, seeing the bags under his eyes. He must have been really tired to be able to sleep in the loud cafeteria.

       Lilly sat down across from us. "Aww, he looks so cute when he's asleep," Lilly said as if she was talking to a baby. "Why is he asleep anyway?"

       I shrugged. "Beats me. He usually gets a lot of sleep at night."

       "Except for when you sleep together," Lilly said. "Wink wink."

       I sighed. "You're really annoying at times."

       "It's my duty as a best friend," Lilly said with a smile.

       I rolled my eyes and began eating my chicken ranch wrap. I was going to wake Logan up so he could pay attention to me, but I wasn't too mean to not let him sleep. 

       Flynn and Jake sat down at the table as well, with Flynn sitting between the two of them. "Hey, Lilly," Flynn said. "Want to go out Friday night?"

       Lilly sighed irritably. "No. And stop asking me out. I'm too old for you."

       "Age is just a number," Flynn said.

       "Yeah? And jail is just a place," Lilly said.

       "You'll want me eventually," Flynn said, taking a bite out of his pasta.

       "Or never," Lilly said.

       "Sure," Flynn said in a sarcastic way. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Poor Lilly, always a target of Flynn's flirting.

       Logan was still asleep, so I looked over at Jake. "Do you know why he's so tired?" I asked.

       "Beats me," Jake said. "I fell asleep really early last night, so I don't know if he stayed up."

       "I can wake him up for you," Flynn said.

       "No, just let h--"

       Flynn didn't even listen to me. Instead, he decided to yell Logan's name, causing Logan to jump awake. He then sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Thank you for that, Flynn," Logan said sarcastically.

       "You're welcome," Flynn said, either not knowing Logan was being sarcastic or he was just ignoring it.

       "Are you okay?" I asked Logan, gently rubbing his shoulder.

       "Yeah," he said. "I'm just really tired. I was up all night trying to find something that will....will be a thing for that....that thing."

       "I need a translation," I said.

       "Hmm?" Logan asked.

       "Are you sure you'll be okay to go to the rest of the classes?" I asked. "You're really tired."

       "What classes?" he asked.

       "Okay, I'm going to bring me over to my house," I said. "Gimme your car keys."

       Logan reached into his backpack and grabbed his car keys. Once they were in my hand, he laid his head back down on the table. I sighed. Taking care of a tired Logan was not going to be fun.

       "Logan," I said. He looked up at me with a tired look. "Come on, I'm going to take you to my house to rest."

       "Oh. Right."

       "I didn't know you could drive," Flynn said as Logan stood up from the table, grabbing his backpack as well.

       "I have my license," I said. "We just can't afford another car right now. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to take my very tired boyfriend to a place where he can rest."

       "I'm guessing you're not going to be back," Lilly said with a frown. "Don't leave me here with these two."

       "Sorry," I said. "Flynn? Don't hit on Lilly."

       "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that," Flynn said.

       I sighed and grabbed Logan's arm, as well as my bag and my lunch, before leading him outside and to his car. I got into the driver's seat as Logan got in the passenger seat, immediately finding a comfortable position and closing his eyes.

       I started up the car and drove to my house. I didn't think Mom would like me coming home in the middle of the day, but Logan seemed really tried but also looked like he didn't want to be left alone. I was lucky when I remembered Mom was working today.

       When we got to my house, I grabbed my stuff and helped Logan get out of the car. He was probably going to pass out any minute.

       We got inside my house and took of our shoes. Logan dropped his bag on the ground before flopping onto the couch, immediately falling asleep. I, on the other hand, just sat on the couch and continued eating the delicious spicy chicken wrap.

       After I finished, I was still hungry, so I went to the kitchen and poured some chips into a bowl before going back to the living room.

       While I was eating the chips, Logan ended up waking up from his very short nap. "Fin?" he asked in a tired voice. "How did I get here?"

       I chuckled. "You forget a lot of things when you're tired. I took you here because you looked extremely tired during lunch. You still look tired."

       Logan sighed and rubbed his eyes. "I am. Cuddle with me?"

       I smiled at him and set the bowl of chips onto the coffee table before climbing onto the couch with Logan. In fact there wasn't enough room so I was basically laying on top of him.

       "So why were you up at night?" I asked as he wrapped his arm around me. "You said you were looking for something that will be a thing for the thing."

       Logan sighed. "Well, since Death by Death is most likely creating that gas bomb, I was trying to find something that can serve as a sort of antidote for anyone that gets affected by it."

       "That's a smart idea," I said. "Did you find anything?"

       "I would have told you right away if I did," Logan said. "I'm still looking for it though. I'm not going to give up. I don't want Death by Death to win whatever battle they're wanting to fight."



I have the ending planned, just nothing for before that. This will probably even be shorter than all of my other books but never fear, because Flynn gets a book. :D He'll be 18 though, but he'll still be Flynn.

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