Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

       Lilly walked into the house, not even bother knocking. "Movie night!" she announced. "I feel like we haven't done anything for a while, just the five of us." She walked into the living room where we were sitting, immediately frowning. "Why do you all look sad? Come on, it's movie night!"

       "Yay, movie night," Jake said in a monotone. "Woo hoo. Fun."

       Lilly sighed and sat down on the couch beside Flynn. "I got a new shirt, Flynn," she said, gesturing to the shirt she was wearing. "What do you think?"

       "Oh, it's nice," Flynn said.

       Lilly frowned. "It's nice? That's it?" she asked. 

       Flynn just shrugged before he began fiddling with his thumbs.

       "Can someone tell me why you're all so sad?" Lilly asked.

       I looked over at Logan, silently asking if we should tell Lilly what was going on. And Jake, because he didn't know all of it. He just knew about the USB and what was on it.

       Besides, how was Ryan going to find out if we tell anyone? Especially if Lilly and Jake acted like they didn't know.

       Logan nodded before we looked back at Lilly. "Okay, we'll tell you," he said. "And Jake, we'll tell you the whole story."

       "But...." Flynn said.

       "It will be fine," Logan assured. "So Ryan is actually in the town. He found me and Infinity but instead of killing us like we thought he would, he decided to give us ten more tasks, and he said they're most likely going to be impossible. But that's not all. Flynn was with us when Ryan found us and he has to do the tasks with us."

       "But that's not fair!" Jake said.

       "I know," Logan said. "That's not all. The first task we had to do was retrieve a box, and he told us not to look inside. I did anyway and it was a USB."

       "The one that we found out what was on it," Jake said.

       "Yeah," Logan said.

       "What was on it?" Lilly asked.

       "Directions," Logan said. "To make a gas bomb out of sarin gas. The gas is highly toxic and can kill someone within ten minutes, and the death is torturous."

       "You think Death by Death is planning on building it?" Lilly asked.

       "That's what we're guessing," I said. "We don't know where they'll use it but no matter what, people are going to die."

       Logan put his arm around my shoulder and gave me a side hug. "I never thought they would take it this far," he said. "I know they're dangerous people, but mass killing? That's a while other story."

       "So, what are we going to do about it?" Lilly asked.

       "We don't know," I said. "Right now, we're just moping."

       "Yeah, that I can see," Lilly said. "Because a certain someone hasn't flirted with me yet." She then frowned. "And he said my shirt was nice."

       "It is nice," Flynn said, which made Lilly punch his arm. "Ow! What was that for?!"

       "Flynn, rule number one of girls," Logan said. "Never say something is nice. Unless you want to die."

       Flynn shrugged. "Hey, Lilly, Jake and I were talking earlier and we got into an argument about the alphabet. There's twenty letters in the alphabet, right?"

       "No, there's twenty-six," Lilly said. "Are you that stupid?"

       "No," Flynn said. "I must have forgotten U R A Q T."

       "Funny," Lilly said. "You're still forgetting one."

       "I know," Flynn said. "I'll give you the D later." He then winked at her.

       "Flynn!" Lilly said, punching his shoulder again. "I can't believe you!"

       "What? You're the one who wanted me to flirt with you."

       "I....I did not say that."

       "You implied it," Flynn said.

       "You kind of did," Jake spoke up.

       Lilly glared at Flynn before getting up from the couch and moving to sit on the chair instead. "I am never going near you again, Flynn," she said.

       "I'm sorry," Flynn said. "By the way, I lost my teddy bear. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

       Lilly's reply was to throw a pillow at Flynn and glared at him. Flynn was never going to give up flirting with Lilly. I felt bad for her.

      But at the same time, it was kind of hilarious.

      Lilly chose a movie to watch, and Flynn went to the kitchen with Jake to make some popcorn and get some soda as well. The shortly came back with three bowls of popcorn; one for me and Logan to share, one for Jake and Flynn to share, and one just for Lilly.

       Which Lilly chose to waste by throwing some at Flynn throughout the movie. Which only made Flynn throw it back. Then flirt with her.

       I rolled my eyes and scooted closer to Logan, resting my head on his shoulder. He squeezed my shoulder and kissed my forehead before resting his head on mine. "You worried about Death by Death?" he asked in a quiet voice.

      "Yeah," I said, my voice as quiet. "If they build it and if they use it...."

       Logan sighed. "I know. But right now, we have to focus on finishing the tasks."

       "It's kind of hard when all along, Death by Death will most likely be building the gas bomb," I said, intertwining my hand in his.

       "I know," he said. "But the least we can do is complete the tasks. Once we're free from Death by Death, we'll be able to do what we want, including helping the police find them." He looked at me, giving me a small smile. "We'll make it through this, okay? We're going to try our hardest and we will survive."

       I smiled back at him, but it felt a bit weak. "Okay."

       Logan gave me a quick but sweet kiss before resting his head back on mine and turning to the movie. I couldn't really focus on it. I was too distracted thinking about the weapon Death by Death was planing on building. They were going from targeting one person to targeting who knows how many.

       Our situation got a whole lot more serious.


Sorry for not updating for a while. I'll try to get back to the regular schedule of updating. 

I love Flynn so much. cx He's bae.

And here is a random gif of Loganity to brighten the mood of this chapter:

And here is a random gif of Loganity to brighten the mood of this chapter:

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