Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

       "I'm still not sure about you going to get what's on that USB," Logan said, pulling me closer. "What if you get caught?" My head was rested on his chest and one of his arms were around me.

       "And what if we don't find out what's on it?" I asked. "What if it's something that they'll use against everyone?"

       "I know," Logan said. "And I know it's important to find out what's on it, but I don't want you to risk yourself. I can do it."

       "And have you risk yourself?" I asked, tracing circles with my finger on his bare chest. "We already talked about it. It's best for me to do it."

       Logan sighed. "I know, but....You know I hate the idea of you getting into a dangerous situation."

       "I could say the same thing for you," I said. "Logan, I really love you, but you can't expect to risk yourself just to keep me and Flynn safe. We're in this together."

       "I know, but...."

       "But nothing," I said. "It won't be fair for you to keep risking yourself. You already did the first task by yourself and that was extremely hard for me to watch."

       "Fin," Logan said, propping himself on his elbows. "Your mom already lost her husband to Death by Death. Do you really want her to lose her children?"

       "And do you really want me to lose you?" I asked. "Logan, all we have to do is work together. No risking ourselves."

       Logan sighed. "I know. I just can't help it. I love you so much and I can't stand the thought of you, or even Flynn, getting hurt." He stroked my cheek with his thumb before resting his hand on it. "Promise you won't get hurt?"

       "I can't promise anything in our situation," I said. "But I will try my hardest not to get hurt. Same with you. You'll try not to get hurt, right?"

       Logan gave me a thin smile. "Just for you, I'll try." He pressed a kiss onto my nose before laying back down beside me. "So when are we doing the whole USB thing?"

       "Once our brothers find out exactly how I will get in there and do it," I said. "It shouldn't take that long, though. Flynn is imagining it like it's some video game, which he loves. And when Flynn and Jake play video games together, it turns really serious."

       "Yeah, I know," Logan said. "Once when Flynn was over, they were playing a game and when I told them it was dinner, they both yelled and threw a pillow at me and Flynn even through a can of soda at me. Needless to say, my parents won't let Flynn and Jake have soda anymore."

       I snorted. "Yeah, that sounds like my brother. Let me guess, the soda sprayed everywhere."

       "Oh yeah," Logan said. "It got all over me, the floor, the walls. You know, speaking of soda, I'm quite thirsty and hungry. Can we order in some pizza or something?"

       "Sure," I said. "Meat lover pizza?"

       "You know me so well," Logan said. He gave me a quick kiss before reaching over the side of the bed and grabbing our clothes. We put them on before heading downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed the phone off of the counter and ordered the pizza before we went to the living room to watch a movie.

       Not long after we were sitting on the couch, the front door opened and both Flynn and Jake came in. "Guess what?" Flynn asked after he and Jake were in the living room. "We did it."

       "Did what?" I asked.

       "Figured out my short story," Flynn said. "I really think I'm going to get an A."

       Jake snorted. "Are you still going on with the whole short story thing? Because I think we both know it's a lie."

       "What?" Flynn asked. "I would never lie to my best friend."

       "Logan, is Flynn lying to me?" Jake asked. "I feel like he's lying to me."

       "Hey, Fin and I ordered pizza," Logan said. "Meat lovers. And since it's my favorite, we got two boxes, plus some soda. You two can have some if you don't spray me with soda."

       Jake frowned. "And now you're avoiding the question. What's really going on? Lately, I feel like the three of you have been hiding something from me."

       "We're not hiding anything," Flynn said.

       "Yeah, sure," Jake said. "Logan asked me to hack into the street camera outside of a building and you needed my help with a short story about someone by the name of Quinn going into a building to get a USB."

       "And?" Flynn asked.

       "Quinn rhymes with Fin," Jake pointed out. "If you're going to lie, pick a different name."

       Flynn sighed. "Okay, here's the deal. We...."

       "We can't tell you," Logan interrupted. "Not if we want to keep you safe, Jake."

       "It has to do with that guy that's after you, right?" Jake asked. When neither of us responded, he knew the answer. "Then why does Flynn get to know?"

       I looked over at Logan. Jake was going to keep getting curious and hiding things from him would only make things worse.

       Logan knew what I was trying to silently tell him, because he sighed in reply and looked at his younger brother. "Okay, we can't tell you everything," he said. "But yes, the whole USB thing has to do with that guy that is after us. We think something dangerous is on it and if we at least know what it is, then it might help us."

       "Then why didn't you just say so?" Jake asked.

       "Because I don't want to risk you getting in trouble," Logan said. "Things are so tough right now and the last thing I want is for you getting involved."

       "Can I at least have a pack of gummy bears?" Jake asked.

       "I just got you some," Logan said.

       "Yeah, and I finished it," Jake said.

       Logan sighed. "Fine, I'll get you another one."

       "So," Flynn said. "Since we figured out the whole plan, when are we going to do it?"

       "Tomorrow," I said.

       Logan looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Tomorrow? But...."

       "Don't push the day back," I said. "No matter what, it's going to happen. We should get it done and over with."

       "Okay," Logan said. "So, geniuses, how does the plan work?"


It's been so hot here for the past couple days and I hate it. I like the cold more than the heat. cx

So, I am rewriting the first book because I wasn't satisfied with it, so these updates might start coming slowly again. I don't want to get too far in this book and have to rewrite it in the future because it doesn't match up with the rewritten version of Stay By My Side.

And now, here's a gif of Loganity just because:

And now, here's a gif of Loganity just because:

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