Chapter 7

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“Don’t taze me!!” he closed his eyes and exclaimed not being able to keep it in anymore. He held his hands in front of him to shield himself. From what I had no idea.

“I show no mercy….” Fiza said letting out an evil laugh.

“…To stains.” She finished .Blake opened his eyes and let out a relieved sigh. They were as wide as the moon. She held a small stick of Tide to go. She never leaves home without it. She began taking off the stain and we all cracked up at Blake's stupidness thinking it was a tazer! Blake’s cheeks flushing pink in embarrassment. Aww did we just make the oh so mighy Blake blush? I laughed harder. My stomach was hurting from all this chuckling.

Someone cleared their throat. No one ever sensed  their presence since we were so preoccupied laughing our pants off.

“Fiza," someone said with an new amused voice." you still have that Tide to go. You haven’t changed a bit.” This voice was new. 1 and a half year new. .


 Everyone’s laughter cut at the same exact time. Except for Blake who was clueless. But he soon followed. His face turned confused at the expressions on our faces. All showing different emotions, hatred, hurt, anger, confusion. My eyes met with Sabrena and Fiza’s. Our faces still and full of surprise. Underneath the shock, and confusinon, Fiza’s dark brown eyes were beginning to show the hurt that she managed to hide for a while now.

“Long time no see.” said a familiar voice again after the short pause... Haven’t heard that voice in while.


It’s been 18 months to be exact.

18 months years since we caught her.

A year and a half of only having 2 best friends.

A year and a half since Fiza was hurt by a close friend.

A whole 18 months...

And she chooses to show up now?

My blood began to boil.


Chapter 7

It's been two seconds of whole silence. Even though you could hear the chattering of the other students, the quietness at our table was unbearable. You could cut the tension with a knife. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“What do you want from us?” I barely mumbled. Finally meeting her in the eye. Baba always told me to intimidate your opponent by looking them dead in the eye, never look away to show weakness. She hadn’t changed that much. Okay. Maybe she did. She had blonde highlights in her now layered shoulder length brown hair. I also noticed she was wearing shorts and a tight V-neck shirt. My mistake, I thought she was a Muslim like Fiza, Sabrena, and me. I don’t remember her dressing like this when she hung out with us.

“I...I want you guys back.”

“And what makes you think that you can just walk back in and we’ll accept you?” Sabrena spoke up. I was slightly surprised. She was actually standing up for us, by showing some of her attitude. Something I can’t usually do either.

“I-I’m really sorry.” Mavish voice broke as she said those words.

“I was stupid to let my feelings get in front of me. I didn’t know what got into me. Now I don’t have him or you guys.” At the end she let tears fall down her face.

“I j-j-just wanted to let Fiza know that I’m really sorry. If you can’t take me back. Then try to forgive me. Remember you’re not a good Muslim if you hold grudges.” She was lecturing us how to follow our religion? Yeah right!

Love: Impossible *(Original Slightly Desi Version)* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now