Chapter 9

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The long wait is over.. MUHUHAHAHA! now ....back to Love: Impossible



The noises stopped. As if he paused the game. I blinked, surprised. Wow a boy, an actual living breathing male paused his videogame! What has the world come to?

 "Umm... do you need something?" came Zaiyaan's deep confused voice. It sounded rather annoyed. I rolled my eyes. Boy and their videogames.

 I stopped. I was ten beige carpeted stairs from the white door. I slowly and quietly continued, careful not to make a noise so they wouldn't know im here. Yes I admit it. I'm eavesdropping. But I need to know What's going on.

"I just came here for the bathroom." Mavish replied right away,innocently. I narrowed my eyes very slightly. It sounded a bit rehearsed. 

"Uh okay then." he said indifferently and the shooting noises filled the air again. A few seconds later I heard the game pause again. What the h-

"What do you-" Zaiyaan started but was cut off by her sudden warning.

"Stop." My eyebrows furrowed and I stared hard at the door, trying to make it dissapear and let me see what was going on behind the curtain.

"STOP!" My heart panicked at the amount of alarm in her voice.

What the heck is going on?


Chapter 9 

Her shouts continued along with a mix of his taken aback "What the-" or "What are you". But  he never was able to finish since she always cut him off with her frantic yelps.

"What are you doing?! Go away!" My face slowly drained color and my feet stayed frozen in place, in a state of astonishment. "Help! Let me go!" My heart was close to leaping out of my chest and my mind trying to put facts in place.What is going on with her? Who's there? A robber?  Why isn't Zaiyaan helping her? She sounded serious.

My breath caught in my throat. Maybe because... they hurt him first. I snapped out of the imaginary ice cube I was trapped in and made my way to the top, right behind the shut door, trying to come up with a gameplan in a matter of seconds. What do I do? I have absolutely no means of defense on me and the only moves I knew was to' kick em where the sun don't shine and save your behind'. Think. Think. THINK! Ugh. I knew there was a reason I was never good at Football! Or any sport for that matter...

"What the hell are you -" Zaiyaan shouted outraged till she cut him off once more. I was relieved a tiny bit when I heard his voice. Okay so he was alive and conscious. 

"Just... just stop it! Help! Help!" she called raising her voice. "Get the hell away from me!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. She sounded scared and her voice was full of despair. The sound of a loud gut-wrenching thwack made my heart stop and on impulse, I immediately shoved the door open with all my might, nearly snapping it off the hinges. I ignored the footsteps and gasps of Sabrena and Fiza rushing after me. They probably heard the commotion, too. Heck the whole house could've heard it.

"What's going on here?" I bellowed to the scene before me, my fists in front of my face ready to put up a nasty fight (nastier than a public bathroom, nasty) but once my eyes peeled around the room my body stilled.

 I gasped.

I saw a shiny pink glint crouched on the floor by the corner of the sofa, pushing against it as if she was trying to put distance between her and someone else. Her eyes were shut tight and her hands were in front of her like a sheild. My prediction of a serial killer or evil mutant ninjas vanished as I saw the culprit of Mavish’s frantic calls for help.

Love: Impossible *(Original Slightly Desi Version)* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now