Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 

It's the morning of Black Friday and I'm scrubbing dishes? Bleckh I thought to myself as I scrubbed off the greasy remains of omelets off of the plate. Everyone had finished eating breakfast. Whenever guests are over my mom makes a huge yummy breakfast. Or should I say buffet? And the best part, Baba brings the most awesome muffins and donuts from Dunkin Donuts. But the mouthwatering muffins are the ones I've got my eyes on. They’re so fricken huge and soft and crumbly and good.

   My stomach growled. I had missed breakfast and slept through it since that little scare last night had me freaked out. Fiza’s blabbing about Zaiyaan nonexistent biceps didn’t exactly soothe me into slumber either. I don't mind this crush but I just don't want a repeat of last time. I know she wouldn't do anything thought like other crazy kids would. repulsively even other Muslim kids. I’m still surprised she was able to start liking someone again. That really hurt her bad. I thought she’d be scared to ever let anyone else in again. I think she still is. It's only a developing crush. She's taking it slow. It’ll go away eventually.

  Amway’s we woke up late and we're sent straight to wash and dry dishes since breakfast was over. We get in trouble for waking up so late but no! Not the retard who gave us a heart attack last night. Totally not fair. And here I was scrubbing away remnants of the feast I HAD to miss. Of course Fiza called dibs on drying and Sabrena went to clear the table. My stomach growled for about the tenth time since I came downstairs. I'm hungry! I decided to place an order.

"Hey Sabrena!" I called to her from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I heard her say along with noises of plates and cutlery being collected. I winced as I heard a loud clang. She better not be breaking something!

"Save me a blueberry muffin ,okay! IM STARVING!" I said.

"I gotchu Girl. You lucky cause there's only one left!" she said in a sing song voice.

   I heard someone enter the kitchen but was too focused with finishing the dishes to finally getting some food. If being fat means thinking about food when your hungry then so be it! The quicker I finish being a dishwasher, the quicker I can shove that blueberry muffin down my throat.My mouth watered at the thought of it. I have no idea how other people manage to skip breakfast.

 Suddenly a dirty plate was thrown in the sink in front of me and I let out a shriek of surprise and jumped back. Dirty water and food pieces splashed onto my black button up shirt. The water dripped down to my red sweatpants along with a soggy piece of bread. I clenched my teeth and got ready to face the culprit.

"Hey what’s the big idea?" I said turning around.

"That wasn't very nice now was it, Zaiyaan?" Fiza added drying the plate she was holding. He gave us an 'are you talking to me?' look.

"Um shouldn't you get back cleaning. The sooner you finish, the sooner you can start slaving over the hot stove and cook dinner.” Zaiyaan teased waving his hands. Fiza narrowed her eyes and stopped drying, putting a hand on her hip, taken aback by his words.

"Shouldn't you stop being a sexist pig?" Fiza fired back at him jabbing her towel at him.

"Oh hush up. Go knit yourself a sweater." My mouth dropped open. Did he really just say that? I counted to ten in my head. There's nothing that gets me more pissed than sexist people. And he's just carelessy standing there, casually munching on a muffin.

My eyes darted back to the muffin.

Wait. A muffin? My muffin?


Love: Impossible *(Original Slightly Desi Version)* (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now