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After countless hours of vague stumbling, I finally find the warehouse as dawn breaks out over the horizon.

The warehouse stands squat and quite simply looks ugly against nature. The forest tries to make it look much less sore, creepers up the sides, but still it looks desolate and bleak; it stands out like a sore thumb.

I exhale slowly before starting towards it before cowardice takes over. Christopher. Do it for him.

I now stand in front of the building. It towers over me, threatening to topple over and crush me at any given moment.

I head inside, cautious.

My footsteps ricocheted off the walls, making the warehouse seem more empty than it already was. The air was stale, not to mention cold. I send out my shadows to scour the area. There must be something here. There MUST be.

I sit on a ledge, waiting for my shadows to report back. I zone out, swinging my legs which create a rhythmic pounding on the metal beneath my heels.

My eyes land on the equipment stacked in the far corner. Boxes upon boxes are stacked high upon each other, chains descending from the ceiling, having served their purpose years ago.

Lost in my thoughts, I let myself reflect on the day I discovered who Kit really was.

Christopher and I were seated on the creaky swings at the park. Kit was seated as still as he could as the creaking annoyed him, but I was up on the air like a small child, laughing. My swing, being the creakier of the two caused Kit to groan.

I finish swinging and Kit intertwines his fingers in mine as I smile, looking around.

A few children run around, joyous at the sight of roundabouts and slides. Parents stumble after them, surprised at their child's sudden burst of energy. The sky was clear and the sun was shining, but in the former half an hour or so, clouds had taken over the vast majority, sending an occasional wind which seeped down right to our bones.

My eyes fall from clouds in time to see a child seated on a roundabout that was going too fast. He clearly had no control over it and flew straight off, landing on the bark shavings and spontaneously burst into tears.

I felt Kit shift and I glanced over to see him with the corners of his mouth turned downwards before getting up and jogging over to the small child, who seemed to have no parental accompaniment.

I followed.

Kit crouches down to the level of the child.

"Uh-oh, Princess, we have an injured patient!" Kit puts on a slightly exaggerated accent, the way one does when talking to a small child or pet. "Could you get my backpack for me?"

I roll my eyes good-naturedly, before heading back to the swings to grab his backpack, before passing it over to him.

In the 30 seconds I had gone, the boy had seized crying altogether and was conversing to Kit with a beaming grin and wide, admiring beautiful blue eyes.

"Princess, this is Archie." Kit informed me as he took out a plaster from his bag.

"Hello Archie!" I smiled at him.

He grins back. "Hello Princess!"

I hear Kit chuckle. He places the plaster on Archie's knee before falling back and admiring his plaster-piece. He claps his hands in accomplishment.

"There- You're all fixed!" He exclaims and steps backwards. Archie grins from ear to ear.

"Archie!" A woman in her late thirties calls his name and I freeze up, my eyes widening at what is beside her.

A puppy.


Kit had gotten up and had helped Archie to his feet. As soon as he had both feet planted firmly on the ground, he started running towards his mother, his arms open; his unsteadiness made me fear the worst as he stumbled over a few rocks but he made it to his mother safely.

A terrier of sorts bounced over to me and I greeted it gladly, crouching down to pet it.

Archie's mother soon introduced herself to us as Freya, thanking us for looking after

Archie; apparently Tilly, the Cairn Terrier had run off after a leaf that had been caught in the wind and she had gone after her.

There was something about her that I liked. She seemed similar to me and as I tried to place a finger on it, the rain started.

There was no warning; yes, throughout the whole day the sky had been overcast, but now the rain came fast and hard, drenching us within seconds.

Archie squealed and started running towards the small bandstand as Freya started to follow after him, before thanking us again.

"I've got to find my other son now." I hear her grumble to herself to which I chuckle.

I watch the brown-haired mother follow after her son as I feel my own hand in Kit's.

We seek shelter under the trees.

I gasp, my shadows having sensed a life form. Trembling, I call them back and they oblige, bringing the living being with them.

My eyes widen at who it is.  


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