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"Archie!" I screamed his name, over and over, my voice hoarse. Marcus was in a state of shock and when I told him, he dropped his bags, taking to an immediate sprint to the park. We'd been searching for over half an hour, and we couldn't find Archie, or Eli, or anyone for a matter of fact, anywhere. It was if everyone who'd witnessed the happening had disappeared. I could sense panic rising up inside of me and I let out a shaky breath. My shadows were prodding around too, and I glanced over at Marcus to see how he was doing. He sat with his back leaning against the tree, his legs up and he was pulling at his hair frantically, his eyes wide ever since I told him. He was trying not to cry, I could tell, but he was finding it hard not to. I frowned, a few tears escaping me as I turned to respond to something solid a shadow had prodded in the bushes. With a quick flick, the figure was held in the air and I gasped in shock and relief simultaneously to see a very injured, unconscious Eli. Ultimately relieved to find he was breathing, I walked over to Marcus, my shadows trailing behind me holding Eli.

"Marcus. We've got to get back. It's not safe." I whispered, gently shaking him. He came to his senses, and I saw his eyes. They were bloodshot.

"They're going to pay Nika." He growled, and I took a step back, unsettled by his change in attitude.

Behind me, Eli stirred, a low groan escaping his lips. C'mon Princess, pull yourself together.

"I know they will Marcus," I replied softly, "but we won't be much use if we're dead, would we?" I reasoned, a slight streak of unintended sarcasm finding its way into my question.

He seemed to see reason and stood up, using the tree as a support.


Freya's fury was almost uncontrollable. She almost went into Necrosis there and then, but after hours of convincing her, she calmed down a little. Eli awoke a short while later and that's when the rapid fire questions started.

"What happened? Did they take Archie? They took Archie, didn't they? Were they Resplendent? Do you think they know where Kit is?" I dropped my voice as I continued to pace around the room. "Oh. My. God. They've taken Archie and it's all my fault! They know who he is and that means they know who I am and who I'm with... No one's safe- Eli, you've gotta go home no-"

I gasped, recoiling in shock as I felt a cold palm slap my face. I glared at Eli. What had gotten into him lately?

"Shut. Up."

My eyebrows knitted together, anger practically radiated off me in waves, and I'm pretty sure Eli knew who'd caused it.

"If Kit was here-"

"Well, he's not fuxking here, okay? He's gone, without a note or anything. How're we supposed to find him, how're we supposed to find Archie now that they've taken him? If he cared even a little, don't you THINK that he'd have found a way to contact you by now? Get a grip, Marlow. Kit's gone and he's not coming back." Eli spat.

I froze. The words stung more than the slap, and the fact that they carried some meaning meant that each word was a blow to my brain. Suddenly, everything was stifling hot. If I didn't get out soon, I'd suffocate, or have a panic attack. I slowly regained my composure, or as much as I could muster, before heading for the door. Marcus had retreated to his room, his face void of any emotion as soon as we'd gotten home and the only other being was Freya. I knew they all blamed me for it. I bumped into her on the way out; she held a glass of wine in her hand.

"I'm going for a walk," I mumbled and she stiffly moved her neck, which I took for approval and headed outside. I barely got to the park before I collapsed into tears.

"I have a surprise for you, Princess." Kit mumbled as he kissed my forehead. I nuzzled further into him, inhaling his smell.

"Kit?" I pulled away, a dreaded feeling starting in my lower stomach. He seemed distracted; his vibrant eyes were unfocused as if he were viewing something else, away from here.

A concerned look washed over his face before he realised I was observing and replaced it with a smile. "I'll be back at 7 to pick you up, Princess."

"Is everything okay?" I asked him. He just nodded and said that the preparations had a slight mix-up. I could tell he wasn't telling the entire truth, but I didn't push him any further. He drew back and before he turned to leave, I caught his arm. "Stay safe." I murmured, pulling him into a hug.

"Of course."


A little while later, it was almost 7. Kit arrived, and I noticed he looked much more relaxed than he was earlier. I smiled to myself and he noticed, kissing my cheek softly. We got in the car and drove in a comfortable silence to where-ever it was we were going.

"Kit, my love, where are we going?" I asked gently. A small smile tugged at his lips, which I presume was a result of my endearment and he shook his head ever so slightly.

"You'll find out soon enough Princess."

I pouted. "But Kit-"

"Nu-uh-uh-uh-uhh. You'll see for yourself soon enough." He cut me off and I smiled. He acted so childishly sometimes.

But I never did get to see the surprise. Because we were ambushed. The car was thrown on its side and was completely wrecked. I remember Kit's arms around me as he I curled into him. He took most of the impact, although I managed to hit my head against the dashboard pretty hard. The Resplendent came, and it was hard to make out any of them as my vision was blurred, and slowly fading. They took Kit away and rough hands grabbed me, dragging me another way. A few kicks were given and I didn't react, already numb with shock, which caused them to throw harder punches and kicks. My eyes were wide with what I had felt.

Kit was unconscious and was laying limp. I saw him for the last time before they dragged him away. His eyes were closed and he his crisp white shirt, was stained crimson.

I had felt a death, and for the first time, I hated myself for being a Necromancer. I hated myself because suddenly, I knew that was what he was worried about earlier, I knew that that's what he'd gone to sort out. I should have begged him not to go, I should've done something.

Kit was dead. And as I let myself be dragged away by the Resplendent, I knew, that I would never forgive myself for it.

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