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The ride to Brecon took a little under 3 hours, including the times we stopped to take a break. The air was thick and dark, low hanging clouds obstructed our view of the sky. As we got nearer to our destination, we could sense the traces of the Resplendent. They were strong. My fingers instinctively brushed over my ring and I glanced over to Marcus, whose hands had tightened around the steering wheel.

"You aren't going to be able to use Necromancy." I stated.

He took his eyes off the road for a split second, making eye contact with me before looking where he should again. "I know."

The rest of the journey was in silence, excluding the irritating buzz from the radio. I didn't turn it off though, as I saw it soothed Marcus.

At long last, we reached the cabin. It was a pretty little place, which sat on the border of a huge forest. The trees were currently bare, their branches sticking out like rogue thorns. Night had fallen.

I held my suitcase as Marcus opened the door, pushing it with his back as he entered first, turning on the lights as I followed.

I placed the suitcase down, before looking at the cabin and I let out an audible gasp.

The cabin was simply furnished, with an island, which served both as the kitchen table and the bar presumably. There was no definite line as to where the living room ended and the kitchen started and upstairs were two bedrooms. They overlooked the bottom floor, the banister acting like a balcony and I heard Marcus chuckle behind me.

After a little unpacking, I headed downstairs, to see Marcus in the kitchen.

"We'll head out into the forest tomorrow, to see if we can find Archie." He told me, before I could ask what we were to do tomorrow.

"We just wander around, hoping for the best?" I asked.

"Well, do you have a better plan?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I simply shook my head. "Well, that's sorted then."

The oven beeped and he went over to check on it as I made my way to a chair beside the island, nicking a carrot stick from the salad which he'd been putting together.

I took a bite and the crunch of the crispy carrot caused Marcus to throw a disapproving look at me over his shoulder.

"Y'know, this is a fancy cabin you got here." I steered the topic another way, waving my carrot stick around to gesture to the entire place.

Marcus shook his head as he took the chicken out of the oven, placing it on the counter. "It's not mine."

"Ah, is it Eliza's?" I asked, reaching for another carrot stick, only to have my hand slapped. "Ow."

"You'll spoil your dinner," Marcus scolded, causing me to laugh, "and no, this, is actually Kit's place."

The laughter was wiped off my face. "This is Kit's place?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Mhm." Marcus nodded, his expression too solemn. "This was the surprise."

"I have a surprise for you, Princess." Kit mumbled as he kissed my forehead.

I choked back a sob, which resolved it to come out as a whimper instead. "If you'll excuse me..." I trailed off, getting off the stool.

Marcus frowned. "But dinner's ready."

"I'm not hungry." I mumbled, looking around the cabin with a new perspective. Tears dotted my eyes, because I wanted Kit here with me, because this cabin was so beautiful, because I missed him.

I headed back up-to my room, collapsing face-first onto the mattress.

"Is Kit short for Kitten?" I asked him one day, as we walked through the woods. He scrunched his nose at my question, causing me to laugh.

"No. It is most definitely NOT short for Kitten." He clarified.

"Well, what about Kit Kat?" I probed, my laughter increasing at the expression on his face.

"I like that face of yours, Princess." He mumbled, a smile appearing on his lips.

I chewed my lip. "Don't change the topic, Kit." I warned mockingly.

He frowned. "Y'know, I could make fun of your name too, Princess."

"Oh yeah?" I challenged, dragging a branch behind me that I'd managed to pick up. "How would you do that?"

He thought for a moment. "Saint Nika-los."

I looked at him for a second, before bursting into laughter. Once, it'd finally subsided, I looked up to see him smiling at me. "That, was pathetic."

He stuck his tongue out at me, before picking me up in one scoop, much to my squeals and thrashing around. "Kit!" I giggled.

"I'm Rudolph!" He told me, a mocking look of sincerity on his face, causing me to thrash around even more.

"Rudolph has a red nose!" I squealed out.

"Well, we're challenging stereotypes!" He yelled, much to much to my amusement.

"How'm I helping?"

"Well, Saint Nicolas normally rides in a sleigh, and Saint Nika-los rides on Rudolph!"

"That's ridiculous!" I chuckled, pulling him down. I kissed him on the nose, some of my red lipstick sticking to him. "There. Perfect." I mumbled, smiling.

He smiled too and I closed my eyes, a content smile set upon my face.


At some point or another, I must've fallen asleep as I awoke to sunlight streaming in through the curtains. Rubbing my eyes groggily, I walked downstairs, a sense of deja-vu momentarily overtaking me. There was a note on the island counter-top from Marcus.

Headed out early. Breakfast is on the counter. MARCUS

I tossed the note in the bin, glancing over to the plate beside it.


The child within overtook me, which resulted in running around the kitchen, opening every shelf door until I finally found what I was hoping for:


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