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I took refuge in a small motel, a couple of hours or so from Edinburgh. Even as I took off my ring, I could feel Resplendent all around me, even though I was a while away from the historic city itself.

I returned from taking a shower, jumping onto my bed, the springs creaking under my bed. It wasn't long now; I would find Kit soon. Stay strong, my prince. With that thought in mind, I fell asleep, exhausted by the day's events.


I awoke suddenly, taking a moment to gather my thoughts and surroundings. I lay on the edge of some woods, with a small clearing. I had no idea how I'd gotten here.

Slowly standing, I headed for the clearing, my mind slowly making sense of everything. I was dreaming, probably.

I froze mid-stride as I saw the figure standing in the middle of the clearing. His back was to me but I could see his familiar hair, his shoulders and as he turned, his vibrant green eyes.


Tears overwhelmed me as I started sobbing, not being able to believe it. He seemed much older; I could see the bags under his eyes and multiple scars that adorned his forehead.

"Princess?" He gasped and I looked at him. The boy whom I loved, the one who I would die for.

I ran up to him, throwing my arms around him, but fell backwards when he scorched me. There was some sort of barrier around him. My palms started to blister and tears of pain started to sting my eyes.

Kit wore a look of surprise, turning quickly to anger as he crouched down to help me up, only for me to be scorched once more. I scrambled away from him, holding my palm to my chest.


His eyes widened for a moment, before he backed away slowly. My shadows wrapped themselves around my blistered palms, healing them.

I got up slowly, unable to believe it.

"You- You set this up." I realised.

His eyes widened as he looked at me, pain in his eyes. "I-I- Princess-They have Archie."

"They can't have."I whispered, more to myself than to him.

"Princess, they were ambushed." He said, a small frown on his lips.

Before I could ask him more, the scene suddenly changed as bright light blinded me. It burned, everywhere.

Then, just like that, the light cleared. When my eyes adjusted, we were in another room, much brighter than outside. And in the corner, I saw them.

Marcus lay close to unconsciousness. His chest shuddered with every breath and threatened to collapse with each intake. Elinor was keeled next to him, tears staining her face as she mumbled enchantments. I inhaled sharply I realised she was trying to help him.

There was no sign of Archie.

As I stood, glancing around to catch any sight of him, I heard a cry.

It was long and wailing and that of a child, for definite. Kit appeared beside me, his head hung in defeat.

"This is all my fault, Princess," He mumbled and I could see his tears welling up with tears. He looked up suddenly, his tears wiped on his sleeve. "Princess, don't come looking for me, please." He begged, his eyes filled with dread. "They'll kill you if you do; I'll make sure the others escape unharmed, please, just don't come back for me."

His words stuck deep. I couldn't remember what it was like before I met Kit, and now that I had, I couldn't imagine a life without him. I tried to reason with him. "Kit-"

"No, Princess," he cut me off, firmly, "Please, just promise me that you'll do this one thing."

The wail from the child had started up again and instead of answering, I ran out of the room, following the sound.

As I threw open the door, I saw Archie.

His perfect blue eyes were bloodshot from crying and he was on his tiptoes, in the corner of a wall. All around him, were numerous lizards, made from Resplendence and occasionally, they'd strike him, causing him to lose some of his Necromantic essence. They left him in the form of snakes, which were consumed  by the lizards immediately and grew in size. Every time they struck him, he cried out and my heart broke.

I started summoning my shadows when I felt a slight stinging sensation on my forearm. I turned to see Kit, somehow holding me back.

"Don't." He said softly.

Rage overtook me. "Kit, he's suffering!" I yelled, pulling my arm away from him. "I don't expect you to do anything, but I'm not going to just stand here and what him cry out!"

He took a deep breath, before looking at me. "They'll know where you are. They'll bring you here immediately. You don't have your ring on." His disappointment was evident in his tone of voice.

I looked down to see that he was right. I frowned. "I didn't take it off."

His eyes widened as he looked me in the eye, his hands on either of my shoulders, slowly shaking me.

"Get away from here Princess, Please, I'm begging you."

I nodded. "Okay." I mumbled, breaking eye contact, the tingling sensation increasing from where he held me.

He kissed my forehead. "Stay strong, Princess."


I awoke as the air was knocked out of my lungs. I gasped, doubling over, wheezing.

"Eveenin'," A voice rang through to me and I groaned instinctively, knowing that it was one of the two burly men I'd met on the night of discovering Kit's resplendency. Before I could react, they'd hauled me up by my arms, dragging me out of the room. As we left, I glanced at the ring which lay beneath the table.

I simply summoned my shadows to pick it up and I pocketed it.

After all, I wasn't disobeying Kit if I was taken to him, was I?

Kit didn't seem like himself; he would NEVER let anyone suffer, which made me think there was more to it than it seemed on the outside.

I, was going to get to the bottom of it, find my prince and get my family back.


[A/N] This chapter came out MUCH better than the other one, which has gladly been deleted and I will never stumble across that for sure!


This chapter is dedicated to my good friend, TheEuphoricWriter ~ Thank you Chica for supporting me in everything I do and congratulations on the completion of your very first book! I'm uber proud of you!

Make it a great day,

Until our worlds collide,


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