~Falling for a Downworlder

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Imagine: being a vampire or werewolf and they fall for you.

All in their pov

Reader pronoun: They, them. (This makes it neutral for any reader).

When I was at one of Magnus's parties I bumped into a person. They weren't human, I knew that. But what were they?
I soon found out they were a vampire. And I am attracted to a vampire. But despite it all, I still was intrigued by them, and wanted to get to know them anyway.

"Would you like to grab some coffee with me sometime?" I asked, hope in my voice.

"Yes." They replied, writing their number on my hand before sending me a wink and walking off.

We were working with Luke, and he brought along his second in command Y/n.

They were pretty cute, in my opinion. I didn't even care that they were a werewolf as I stared at them from across the table.

"I feel your gaze, angel boy." Y/n spoke, startling me back to reality.

"S-sorry." I stumbled, blushing.

"It's fine. I know I'm irresistible." They spoke, and I couldn't help but chuckle, not knowing if they were being sarcastic or not. But they were definitely irresistible.

"And so are you. You really very seem nice too." Y/n spoke, making me blush harder.

"You want to go out with me sometime?" They asked, and I nodded almost instantly.

When I turned and got introduced to my new lifestyle, I met my "trainer". Raphael assigned them to help adjust to being a vampire. And my trainer was stunning. The more time I spent with them, the more and more I fell for them.

"We've known each other for a while now. And I wanted to ask you; Y/n, do you want to be my significant other?"

"Yes, Simon." They smiled wide, shaping their fangs as they sped over and kissed me.

In my club I was surrounded by people, kissing up to me a little, but I didn't mind.

Then I saw a well-known group of wolves in their human form walk past, and they were all mesmerizing.

However, the werewolf with the y/h/c hair really caught my eye. The way they walked, their smile as they spoke. My eyes trained on them as I stood quickly to talk to them, hoping to get their number.

While on a mission, I was introduced to a pair of gorgeous werewolves who were going to assist us with our mission. The younger of the pair with the y/e/c eyes grabbed my attention, and made me nervous.

They meant no harm, and we were desperate for assistance with this case. We were lost, and didn't know where our target was.

"So, what's your name?" One of the werewolves asked, standing right next to me.

"I-Isabelle." I whispered, clearing my throat.

"Don't be nervous, love. I'm Y/n." They laughed as I echoed their name.

"I like how you say my name, maybe soon I'll have you screaming it." They winked and walked ahead of me, swaying their hips slightly, leaving me with wide eyes and my jaw dropped.

I was in Pandemonium as I gazed over the room, and soon my eyes locked with someone else's. A very attractive someone.
They walked over and made an introduction.

"Hi. I'm Y/n. What's your name?" They asked, licking their lips, drawing my eyes or their lips.

"I'm C-Clary." I stuttered out, making them chuckle, showing off their fangs.

"You're a vampire."

"Yeah, is that an issue, Clary?" They asked, my name rolling perfectly off their tongue.

"No issue here." I grinned.

I did not like this plan. My vampires now had to work with Luke's wolf pack. And that meant fighting, since our species were born to hate each other.

"Why do our groups hate each other so much?" A werewolf asked me; their wide, amazing, y/e/c eyes staring at me.

"I don't really know. Unwritten rule, I guess." I replied, making the young wolf chuckle.

"Well, I don't hate vampires," They said, making my eyes shift to theirs as we walked.

"You don't?" I asked, interested.

"No. I don't hate them. I don't hate you. In fact, I think I kind of like you." They blushed, making me bite my lip.

"I think I kinda like you too."

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