Alec~ How Could You?

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#10- "This is why I don't let anyone in!"
#4- "You never really loved me, did you?"
#7: Stop saying you're sorry!"
#15. "The thing is, I can't pretend we never happened because I'm still in love with you."

Second person pov:
"This is why I don't let anyone in!" He yelled at you from across the room as he threw a vase to the ground, forcing you to jump at the loud sound of the shatter.

"Alec! Please! Calm down and listen to me, please!" You pleaded, begging him as salty tears streamed down your reddened cheeks.

"Listen to you? How could I trust your words-- or even listen to you after what you've done?" He scoffed and chuckled bitterly, looking at you for an answer.

"Please Alec it is not what you think! I'm so sorry." The tears now on your sleeve as you wiped them away, trying to compose yourself as best you could.

"I don't want to hear your excuses." He growled angrily, clutching his fists at his sides as he tried to control his anger.

"You never really loved me, did you?" Your words came out so softly, you thought he would not hear: but he did.

"Did you seriously just say that, Y/n? You go and have sex with another man and you accuse me of not loving you." You sighed, understanding his position before attempting to explain again.

"Alec, look. I am sorry for what you saw. But-"

"Stop saying you're sorry!" He interrupted you, screaming, anger and jealousy lacing his voice. Yet he looked so hurt, broken even at the thought of you being intimate with somebody else.

"I want to forget what I saw, Y/n." Your fiancé sighed out, his voice cracking as he let the tears fall, his upper body shaking with the sobs that erupted from his chest.

"I want to pretend I didn't see that. I-I want to believe you, and listen to you explain. But, I can't. It hurts. I'm hurt, Y/n. How could you do this? I just want to forget about us for this." The rawness of the pain you heard in his voice forced tears from your tear ducts, and you ached to comfort him. To wrap your arms around him and hold him tight, telling him everything will be okay. Nonetheless, you knew better.

"The thing is, I can't pretend we never happened because I'm still in love with you. Even after this." He admitted in a whisper, holding his head in his hands as he pondered. The thought of another man's hands on you, touching you, bringing you any sort of pleasure, was enough to make him want to punch through walls.

"Alec, baby. Listen to me. It's important I tell you this." You whispered softly, walking over to him. Stopping in front of him, you ran a hand through his hair and one on his shoulder before sitting beside him.

"That girl you saw. On Jace, was not me." You confessed, his head snapping up at the statement, his eyes meeting yours intently.

"What do you mean she wasn't you?" Genuine confusion in his tone as he asked, making you smile lightly.

"Well. You know your parents don't particularly like me, right?" You began to explain, chuckling a bit.

"Yeah, they wanted me with Lydia but I--I wanted you. I chose you." The memory made him smile, him running away with you down the aisle as you two fled what would have been his and Lydia's wedding.

"I know that, baby. And I'm glad you did. So your parents hired a warlock to conjure an illusion that I was cheating on you with your brother, Jace. The sight was sure to make you hate me and make you want to leave me. And they were right." You pouted as you remembered Alec screaming for the engagement ring back minutes earlier.

"Minutes before that, they revealed to me their plan, and I was going to go to you with it. However, they had their warlock, Magnus, freeze me. By the way, your ex still holds a grudge." You mentioned making him chuckle at your attempt of bringing light to the dark situation.

"By the time I was released from the spell's hold, it was too late. I was too late." Once you had finished your story, Alec was staring straight ahead with anger in his eyes and posture.

"Do you believe me, baby boy?" You questioned, wondering if the truth was enough to make him believe you.

"Of course I do. I'm so sorry to have doubted you, princess." The fiancé grabbed your hands in his and kissed them.

"I'm sorry I couldn't stop them in time. I-I could've-"

"There's nothing more you could've done. You tried, that's all that matters, princess." He interfered, stroking your cheek bone fondly.

He placed a gentle, yet passionate kiss to your lips, surprising you. You kissed back immediately, missing and craving the feel of his lips.
Abruptly, he pulled away and headed for the door.

"Wait. Where are you going?" You asked, confused about his sudden actions.m

"To pay my parents a visit."

A/n: sorry for the absence!! I know it's been too long. Forgive me please :))) I'm sorry to soil our friendship garden.

 Forgive me please :))) I'm sorry to soil our friendship garden

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Love you babes 💗💗

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