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Steve was in deep thought in the training room.

His sparring partner, Natasha, knew this as she pinned him to the mat," What's got you in a trance Steve?"

He blinked and started to look nervous, "I have no idea what to get Bucky for his birthday and it's tomorrow,".

Natasha helped him up, "Well what does he want?"

He blinked again, "I want to get him something special though, something he's not expecting,".

Natasha tapped her chin for a moment in deep thought before she said, "What about a pet? You can go to the animal shelter and see if anything stands out,".

A huge smile spread across Steve's face and he hugged Natasha who suddenly looked a little awkward.

"Thanks Nat you're a lifesaver," before he grabbed his water and jogged out the door and to his shared room with Bucky.

Quickly changing his clothes and grabbing his keys he went to the garage and grabbed their shared vehicle. Starting up the engine and pulling out, and driving off to search for the animal shelter that Natasha was talking about.

After around fifteen minutes he finally found it, it looked nice.

He parked the car and took the keys with him, locking the car he opened the door. He stepped inside and let the door close behind him as he approaches the front desk, a woman was typing away on her computer and looked up when the door closed.

She smiled, "Hello, can I help you today?"

He nodded, "Yes, I'm looking for a pet to surprise my boyfriend for his birthday. I'm thinking you can help me,".

Her smile widened as she stood from her chair, "Of course we have many animals to choose from what were you thinking about getting him?"

Steve shrugged, "I was planning on looking at everything if that was alright with you,".

She nodded and walked from behind the desk and opened a door and said, "Why don't you take a look at our cats first? I don't want to get the dogs riled up yet,".

Steve took a step inside and started looking at all the cats.

There were a lot of them but there was one that caught his eye, it had grey fur with a white triangle on its face and spread down its throat, extremely fluffy and had grey eyes. But that's not what caught his attention, the small kitten only had three legs. It was missing its front left leg, it didn't even have the shoulder. The leg was nonexistent.

The small kitten was curled up in the corner of its cage sleeping.

The woman seemed to notice his interest in the small feline, "Are you interested in her? She's a bit of a handful because she hasn't been weened yet. We got her a few days ago, her eyes are about halfway open and whoever is here has to regularly come in to feed her. We rescued her from an abusive home, her mother and sibling had been killed. And there was sign of experimentation but we couldn't confirm it. Honestly I think the boss was planning on euthanizing her because of it,".

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now