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After I ate everything in my bowl, I ran after Bucky, who was walking out the kitchen.

I wailed loudly, not wanting him to leave.

Bucky turned around, a shocked expression on his face, as he picked me up, holding me to his chest.

I dug my claws into his shirt and purred loudly.

Steve followed, "She's really not wanting to let you go huh?" Steve commented as he tried to pull me off of Bucky.

I hissed loudly and growled at him, biting into the flesh of his hand.

He jerked back with a cry of surprise. Some blood started to slowly ooze out of the bite.

Bucky looked a little shocked, as he took Steve's bitten hand, kissing it.

I mewed, curling up closer to Bucky hanging on for dear life. I did not want to be separated from him.

Steve stared at me as he sat on the couch; Bucky did too.

I was still clinging to him.

Bucky tried to remove me from his shirt, which made me wail loudly.

When he finally managed to remove me, I wailed. I extended my paws trying to reattach myself.

Bucky put me on the floor, laying on the couch on his back. Steve laid on top of him, ready to take a nap.

I tried to claw my way up mewing, begging for either of them to let me back up.

Steve eventually had enough and picked me up.

I curled up beside Bucky's face before falling sleeping with them.
After I woke up, I noticed that Steve wasn't there and Bucky was starting to wake up.

I pounced on his chest and booped his nose with my paw, which woke him up.

He scratched behind my ear before moving me off his chest as he sat up. He put me on the floor and started heading towards the kitchen where we found Steve making breakfast.

Bucky poured some food in my bowl and I went over to it. I started to eat as quietly as I could.

I could feel Steve and Bucky watching me.

When I finished my food, I walked over to the pair and sat on Bucky's foot.

Bucky picked me up, "She doesn't seem to be like she was yesterday, she's not hysterically crying," he noted.

I blinked calmly. I did not feel as panicked as yesterday.

Steve nodded in agreement, "I think it was a temporary feeling," Steve said.

They started heading towards the elevator with Bucky still holding me.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now