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"Hey Thor," Steve called to the big buff man.

I looked at him incredulously, why are you trying to call over the mammoth sized man?

The man, Thor, looked up, "Hello Steve,".

One of the first things I noticed about him, was that he was loud.

I pawed at my ear, watching as Steve and Thor shook hands.

Thor then walked over to Bucky, and was going to shake Bucky's,but he saw me.

"What is this little thing?" He asked bending over to be eye level with me.

I puffed up my fur when he got closer to me, "This is Angel," Bucky informed him, "She's my cat," he added after a moment.

Thor looked at me, "She's so fluffy," he exclaimed.

I stared at him with wide eyes.

Then he started petting me, please make him stop, I was looking up at Bucky with pleading eyes, but he just looked at me.

When the behemoth of a man stopped petting me, he walked back over to the mat and asked Steve to spar with him.

Steve walked onto the mat.

Bucky went to the table, watching everyone else spar.

Bucky put me on the floor, so I ran over to Clint and Natasha, who were sparring. I jumped onto Clint's thigh, biting him, before running away.

I turned back to see Natasha pinning him to the mat again, shaking her head laughing.

While Clint was beneath her rubbing his thigh glaring at me.

I glanced over at Steve and saw that he was about to get pinned, so I ran over there and attacked Thor's foot before moving up to his calf and thigh.

He stopped and looked down at me picking me up by my scruff, "You are brave little one," he commented, bringing me to Bucky, "But you are small," he added putting me on Bucky's lap.

Bucky laughed at me petting my ear.

I watched as Thor went back to spar with Steve.

Bucky put me on the floor again and took out this weird pen thing clicking the button and the dot appeared again.

I crouched and started stalking it, when I pounced I attracted a lot of attention because everyone was laughing at me.

I chased the dot around the room.

After a while, I was panting through my mouth. I hobbled over to Bucky before falling over on my side.

I felt someone pick me up before I fell asleep.

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