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After about ten minutes, Steve came in," Hey Bucky,".

Bucky didn't even acknowledge that Steve had entered the room and continued to watch TV.

I did the same, still upset with him.

"Are you giving me the silent treatment?" Steve asked in disbelief.

Our silence and the gentle noise of the TV answered him.

Steve sat down next to us and stared at Bucky, who had changed the channel to Animal Planet. We watched one of my favorite shows with Steve Irwin.

I mewed in excitement and started wiggling my tail and watched intently.

Bucky smiled down at me before he started to gently pet my neck as I watched Steve Irwin chase snakes and chameleons around Madagascar.

Bucky looked at the guide and saw that it was a marathon that was going on all week.

I mewed in excitement and looked at Bucky happily.

He scratched behind my ear and started to look back up at the TV, I did too.

Steve was still sitting beside us, pouting, "How did you even get Angel to ignore me too?"

Silence answered his question.

Steve poured and said, "I'm sorry please stop ignoring me,".

Bucky didn't even look at Steve, pointing down at me instead.

I stared up at his finger.

Steve sighed and looked at me, "I'm sorry I moved when you were coming to see me,".

I looked at him and mewed.

Bucky shifted so his head was on Steve's lap.

I fell over, crawling out Bucky's shirt. I hopped on Steve's lap curled into Bucky's throat watching the show.

Steve started to run his hand through Bucky's hair, Bucky eventually fell asleep.

Steve followed suit after a few hours, but I stayed up watching the show long after it was dark.

Eventually they started showing a different show until 10 in the morning, so I decided to go to bed to speed up the wait.

I woke up when Bucky sat up, shoving me as he got up. I mewed in protest waking up Steve, the TV was off and there was light outside.

So it was morning, I yawned and fell off the couch hopping over to my food and water bowl for breakfast meowing for Bucky or Steve to fill it.

Bucky gets up and grabs my food bag, scooping the healthy amount for my size and going to the fridge to make his and Steve's breakfast.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now