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Bucky was working on cooking some eggs with Steve, who was making toast.

Steve was also trying to help Bucky with the bacon, which kept popping and burning Steve.

Bucky ended up making the bacon with his metal arm.

I ate my food, crunching away at it while Steve put the toast on the table.

Bucky finished up the bacon and eggs, preparing two plates before placing both on the table.

After the pair had tucked in to eat, I started bouncing around with energy and excitement. That was until I landed on my paw wrong, falling on my chin. I made a small cry of pain.

Bucky had been watching and was trying not to laugh, "My poor baby," he cooed as he came and picked me up.

He brought me back to his chair, putting me on his leg as he ate his breakfast; Steve watched on.

I curled up in a ball on his leg and watched him eat.

When Steve and Bucky finished their food, Bucky went and put me on the couch. He turned on the TV, knowing that I would quietly watch a show.

Bucky then moved to the bedroom to get ready. Steve trailed behind him.

I tucked my paws under me and curled my tail around me as I watched Steve Irwin on Komodo Island. I watched with big fascinated eyes at the huge lizards.

After about ten minutes, Bucky came out and went to the elevator.

I watched as the doors closed.

Steve left their room and went to the elevator soon after, and I watched him leave too.

Steve Irwin yelled about something so my attention snapped back to the TV giving it my complete attention.

After a few episodes, Bucky came back through the door looking tired.

A commercial break came on so he picked me up and put me on the floor before flopping on the couch.

I ran to go get water and go to the litter box before I went back to Bucky.

He picked me up and put me back on the couch by his side.

As I got comfortable on Bucky's back, the commercial break ended.

I laid my head on Bucky's back as I watched, my neck feeling a bit stiff and cramped.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now