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Everyone was shocked that I knew how to do this.

I didn't want them to worry about things that probably wouldn't happen so I typed 'Fun'.

The eyepatch man, who apparently no one decides to call him by his name, looked at the Avengers and asked, "How did you not know the intelligence of this cat? She's been staying with you for how long?"

Again no one answered.

"Over a month sir," Clint answered him.

"The affects of serum I found caused an extended lifespan and a dramatic decrease to the aging process. She didn't show this intelligence before now Director," Bruce answered.

The Director seemed somewhat satisfied with the information Bruce gave him, "Dismissed," he said simply before leaving the room.

Bucky picked me up off the table while Steve waited by the door.

When we caught up to him, I could feel both of them staring at me.

The rest of the Avengers didn't follow us, but I knew they had questions as well.

We went into the elevator, stopping at our shared floor.

Bucky put me on the floor before going back in the elevator saying, "Steve stay here," before the doors closed.

Steve sat on the couch.

I clawed my way up and sat on his thigh, staring up at him.

He shifted uncomfortably when I mewed at him.
After a while, Bucky came back with a laptop and sat down next to Steve.

Bucky opened the laptop, typing something before he turned it toward me,"Since you can type can we ask you some questions and you type an answer?"

I nodded my head and mewed, moving in front of the keyboard sitting on my hind legs.

I looked up at the two. Well this is going to be interesting...

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now