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Bucky picked me up and sat down in a chair beside Steve.

Everyone, all the Avengers were sitting at the table.

The man with the eye patch however was standing by the table glaring at Bucky and I disapprovingly, "Someone care to explain what that is?" He asked.

"I got Bucky a kitten for his birthday because I figured it would help with his nightmares and she has so far," Steve answered.

No one disagreed. Bucky nodded his head, petting mine.

I purred loudly and crawled up onto Bucky's shoulder, staring at the man with my tongue poking out.

He rolled his eye at me before starting to talk about something called HYDRA.

I didn't care to pay attention to it, but that was until I saw a symbol appear on the screen.

I knew that symbol, I knew it very well.

My fur puffed up and I ran down to Bucky's lap hiding under his shirt growling loudly.

The conversation at the table stopped.

I could feel Bucky's confusion as someone asked him what was wrong with me, "I don't know, she's never done that before..." he trailed off. He grabbed me from under his shirt and put me on the table.

I saw the symbol and glared at it, growling loudly before hissing and growling. I could feel my jaw popping.

Everyone followed my gaze and Bucky pieced it together, "HYDRA had her before the shelter did," Steve realized too.

"That's why she had those serums, only HYDRA would be able to come up with that." Bruce said to no one in particular.

I growled until the symbol was taken off the screen, replaced with a symbol. I recognized it from a file Steve or Bucky sometimes brought home.

I visibly relaxed, but I was still tense, walking back to Bucky to sit in front of him.

He picked me up again and placed me back on his shoulder.

The room was silent for a few moments.

"Why would HYDRA test on a cat for these serums? They don't want mutant kittens I mean what is she gonna do?" Tony questioned.

No one had an answer for him, I didn't either.

As far as I head I was just an experiment that they did for fun, but I had no way of telling them that, unless...

I trailed off in thought before jumping back onto the table, running over to the holographic screen.

I pressed a button on the table, which brought up a keyboard on the table.

I sat on my hind paws started to type.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now