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Bucky got up from the chair and started heading towards the woman.

She smiled, turning around to hold a door
open for us, but Steve grabbed the door like the gentleman he is.

The woman entered first, then Bucky and I entered, Steve closed the door behind us taking a seat beside Bucky.

I was still clinging to Bucky's shirt whimpering.

The woman walked up to Bucky and pried my claws out of Bucky's shirt pulling me away from him.

I started to wail loudly trying to get back to Bucky.

The woman put me on the table, holding me there with her hand.

Bucky started looking uncomfortable as I cried for him.

The woman picked me up, "I'm going to take her to the back to take some tests," she informed them, walking out the door with me.

I wailed all the way down the hall and she opened a door putting me on another table.

It was behind a man, who was looking through a microscope. He turned around and picked me up looking me over, "She looks healthy overall, let me see her file," he ordered the woman as she left the room.

She returned a few moments later with a Manila folder with my name and Bucky's last name.

He started flipping through pages and said, "She's here for her shots, go pull them up while I take some measurements," he ordered the woman again, who went into another room.

He put me on a scale, writing some numbers down on the papers. He then checked my ears, paws, my belly, and then he started looking through my fur.

"She's the healthiest little kitten I've seen, no fleas, nothing's wrong with her paws or ears," he announced.

He picked up a syringe from the tray and took the cap off before grabbing my scruff and pulling on it. He put the needle in my scruff.

I continued to wail wanting Bucky to come get me. To my disappointment he didn't.
The man did this about four more times before he finally handed me to the woman who held me and walked into the hall.

She opened a door revealing Steve and Bucky.

I wailed, Bucky stood up and took me from her. I stopped wailing instantly and started purring loudly.

The woman sighed when I went quiet, "She hasn't stopped screaming since we took her from you," she informed them.

"She's perfectly healthy, there's nothing wrong with her we gave Angel her shots. You can take her home," she handed Steve the Manila file and left the room.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now