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This time I woke up first.

Steve was on his back so I hopped onto his chest and started repetitively booping his nose.

It took about five minutes before he finally woke up.

I then moved on, jumping onto Bucky before doing the same thing.

He wrinkled his nose before opening his eyes, laughing at me because my tongue was sticking out.

I looked over at Steve, who laughed at me too.

I jumped off Bucky and started jumping around on the bed.

Bucky put me on the floor; I ran out of the room to drink some water.

Bucky and Steve trailed behind and made themselves a bowl of cereal.

I dropped to a crouch as I saw something crawl across the floor.

Bucky shoved Steve's leg pointing at me.

The creature had eight legs and it was moving fast. It was the size of my paw.

Steve rolled his eyes, "It's a spider Bucky, and it's bigger than she is. How do you think she's going to kill it getting bit?"

Bucky saw Steve's point, grabbing something out of his pocket. He pushed a button, a red dot appeared in front of me.

I pounced on it but it disappeared.

I glanced at Steve who was killing the spider, but my attention was brought back to the dot.

It appeared in front of me and started to run around the room, so I hobbled after it.

I tripped a few times but got back up to chase it.

After a while I got tired and fell over on my side panting.

The light disappeared after I fell over, much to my confusion.

Bucky got up and picked me up, "Is someone tired?" He asked, bringing me to his chest.

Steve rolled his eyes at us with a smile and said," Come on, let's go Buck."

Bucky started walking to the elevator with me and pushed a button waiting for Steve.

When the doors opened, it was the training room. Again.

Clint, Natasha, and some long haired blonde, really buff guy were training.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now