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I blinked not understanding a word they just said.

Tony had a grin and he looked at Bruce, "When you finish your measurements I can start building it, I have everything I need on my table,".

Bruce took many more measurements before he handed the paper to Tony, who scanned over it and continued connecting wires.

Bruce picked me up, "I'm going to take her back to Bucky and we can come get her when you finished," he informed.

Tony made a noncommittal grunt as he continued to fiddle with random junk.

As we were walking out, I stretched up and booped Bruce's nose with my paw. He looked down at me, chuckling a bit, before walking into the elevator.

After a while the doors opened revealing the main living room.

Bruce walked out and saw Bucky and Steve laying on the couch watching TV.

Bruce walked up and put me on Bucky's stomach, who looked up a little startled.

"We're done with her for now, but we're going to need to take her back later. We did a blood test and the result basically say that she's going to stay that size for the rest of her life. I think that she's going to live much longer than the average cat," Bruce informed.

Bruce left the room before Steve or Bucky could ask any questions.

Bucky picked me up and looked me over, "It doesn't look like they did anything to her," Bucky declared, satisfied with his own answer.

Steve nodded in agreement, "But what Bruce said, about her being a kitten forever and living longer, I guess that confirms what the woman said at the shelter,".

The pair nodded at each other, looking down at me before continuing to watch TV.

Bucky kept a hand petting me the entire time they watched, making me purr throughout the show.

When they finished, I glanced out the window and saw that it was dark.

Bucky got up, holding me to his chest as he went into the bedroom.

He put me on the bed before going into the bathroom. Bucky came out in a different set of clothes before he got into the bed.

Steve did the same, Bucky and Steve always slept facing each other.

I made myself at home between the two's chests, comfortably purring throughout the night.

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now