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When Bucky was done with whatever he needed to do in the training room, he took me to the main floors kitchen.

It was around lunch time so the rest of the Avengers were there eating.

I was on Bucky's shoulder as we entered the room. He went ahead and made himself a sandwich before sitting at the table with me still on his shoulder.

A man with a light coming from his chest, who I hadn't met before, stared at me for a while before saying, "What is that," it wasn't even a question. More like a demand.

I meowed at him as Bucky looked up from his meal, "Whats what?"

He pointed at me, "That, three legged fur ball on your shoulder,".

Ouch, words hurt, I jumped down onto Bucky's leg careful not to slip and fall on the floor. I pawed at Bucky's loose shirt and crawled inside it and pressed myself against his skin with a soft mew.

Bucky frowned as he looked down at me, then back up at the man, "Tony you made Angel sad, I think you should apologize,".

Tony scoffed, "I'm not apologizing to a cat, especially one that looks like that. How did you even get it in here?"

I mewed softer and shifted so my back was facing the table and I was facing Bucky. I pressed my soft fur into the muscle on his side.

I heard him put down his sandwich, grabbing me from under his shirt and held me up, "She's been here for three weeks Stark,".

he turned me so I was facing Tony, "I think you should apologize to her. Without sarcasm," Bucky, very sternly, said, using his dad voice.

Tony looked at Bucky trying to decide whether or not he was serious before reading his expression.

Tony groaned before saying," I'm sorry," in the most unamused way.

Everyone seated at the table grew smirks and smiles.

Steve chose that moment to walk in, "What'd I miss?"

Bucky turned me back around so I could see his huge smirk before he put me back on his shoulder, "I'll tell you later Steve,".

I looked over my shoulder at Steve who had a small frown, squinting at the back of Bucky's head.

I was sure that he was going to remember what Bucky had said.

He took a seat a the table and took Bucky's sandwich from his hand making him pout as Steve took a bite, "But that's my sandwich punk,".

Steve swallowed the bite of sandwich, "Was your sandwich jerk, was your sandwich,".

Bucky's New Pet (Avengers Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now