How to Convert to Islam and become a MUSLIM//when-ur-returning.blogspot.COM

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The word "Muslim" means one

who submits to the will of God,

regardless of their race,

nationality or ethnic background.

Becoming a Muslim is a simple and

easy process that requires no

pre-requisites. One may convert

alone in privacy, or he/she may

do so in the presence of others.

If anyone has a real desire to be

a Muslim and has full conviction

and strong belief that Islam is

the true religion of God, then, all

one needs to do is pronounce

the "Shahada", the testimony of

faith, without further delay. The

"Shahada" is the first and most

important of the five pillars of


With the pronunciation of this

testimony, or "Shahada", with

sincere belief and conviction, one

enters the fold of Islam.

Upon entering the fold of Islam

purely for the Pleasure of God,

all of one's previous sins are

forgiven, and one starts a new

life of piety and righteousness.

The Prophet said to a person

who had placed the condition

upon the Prophet in accepting

Islam that God would forgive his


"Do you not know that

accepting Islam destroys all sins

which come before it?" (Saheeh


When one accepts Islam, they in

essence repent from the ways

and beliefs of their previous life.

One need not to be

overburdened by sins committed

before their acceptance. The

person's record is clean, and it is

as if he was just born from his

mother's womb. One should try

as much as possible to keep his

records clean and strive to do

as many good deeds as possible.

The Holy Quran and Hadeeth

(prophetic sayings) both stress

the importance of following Islam.

God states:

"...The only religion in the sight

of God is Islam..." (Quran 3:19)

In another verse of the Holy

Quran, God states:

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