Chapter 4 Let it be pt1

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Melissa Benoist as Marley Rose ------>
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that my first week at McKinley was a success. I performed some of my favourite songs last week and I met the hottest guy ever, yes I meant Ryder. Over the weekend I figured out that I really did like Ryder but I couldn't do anything since I was posing as Sam's beard and that would kind of give the whole thing away. I was really looking forward to this week in glee club. Me and Kitty decided to get coffee before school. I liked the way that I got ten percent of my coffee just because I'm in a Cheerios uniform.
"The short skirts really do help" Kitty explained after I asked her to explain.
"Can they not be shorter?" I asked while starting to fold the top rim of my skirt so it was so much shorter.
"I thought that they were already pretty short" Kitty exclaims while she looked down and messed around with her own skirt.
"I like short tight clothing" I pointed out. We took a booth by the window. I liked sitting close to the window because then you could watch people and what they do when they think no one is looking. Like how the man across the street would do a little dance when people's backs were turned or how the woman across the street at the flower store would take swigs from a hip flask.
"So you and Sam huh?" Kitty asked. I could automatically tell she was digging for gossip to give to Tina. I wanted so desperately to say that I didn't like Sam in that way, that I wanted to kiss Ryder so badly that it hurt but that would give it away and I promised Sam that I wouldn't tell.
"Yeah me and Sam. I thought it might be weird at first since he's a senior and eighteen and going to college in a couple of months but we had an amazing time on Thursday night so I thought why not?" I explained trying to put on a convincing performance. I took drama at my old school so I was pretty much trained in improvisation situations. I was hoping to take drama this year but the course was already full so I'm thinking of taking it next year. At the moment I was just doing study hall sessions.
"Though I know you, even though we've only known each other for a week, I know you and on Friday you couldn't take your eyes off of Ryder. I know Ryder's hot but he's damaged goods and is kind of a douche sometimes" Kitty muttered while grabbing my hand. It may have only been a week since I've known Kitty but I knew her as well. I could see right through her when she was spouting that shit. She was trying to throw me off Ryder. I didn't know whether it was because she liked Ryder or she really liked Sam.
"Ryder is not a douche bag, I don't think he's that hot and I was staring at him because he freaks me out and I don't want to turn my back to him" I lied, in my head I was just throwing words together but out in the open I really was a convincing liar. Damn I was on fire this morning. Kitty raised one eyebrow. Crap maybe I wasn't a convincing liar, maybe she was on to my wicked scheme. If she found out about me would she find out about Sam? Oh god.
"Okay...I don't know whether you're telling the truth or not" Kitty snapped before giving me the bitchy stare and crossing her arms and legs. I had to resort to my final method of secret keeping.
"So how are you and Artie?" I questioned. She went completely pale. I literally could see the cogs in her brain move while trying to create a convincing lie but I had seen them making out just before I left school on Friday so she couldn't lie to me. They were in an empty classroom and Kitty was sat on Artie's lap.
"How 'bout we both just drop it" she finally announced after two awkward minutes. That sounded okay. Plus I kind of had to protect Sam and even though I liked Ryder, I had no idea that he liked me back. So in everyone's best interests I was waiting for Sam to come out before I made my move.
"Crap we have an early morning glee practice in five minutes" Kitty explained. Oh great the first lesson of glee club of the week and I have an early morning meeting with the school guidance councillor.
"I have a meeting with the guidance councillor" I explained. Kitty's face fell.
"It's alright the school councillor is Mr Shue's wife Mrs Pillsbury" Kitty explained. That made things a little less nerve wracking, Mr Shue was nice enough so his wife must be nice.
Ryder's POV
Well after a weekend of playing GTA to try and get Effy out of my mind I was happy to see her at school, briefly as it was before I had to head to glee. I took a seat next to Sam at the back of the choir room. Things weren't awkward between us since he didn't know I kind of liked Effy. Plus he was one of my best friends I didn't want to be awkward. Mr Shue walked in with a smile stretch from ear to ear. It freaked me out a little bit, he seemed a little too happy.
"The time has come New Directions. Oh is time...for the BEATLES!!!" Mr Shue screamed. Everyone screamed in happiness, everyone apart from Kitty that was. My ears hurt afterwards.
"Oh...this year just seems to be dragging on...and now we're doing a band from the forties" Kitty bitched to all of us. She was dissing the Beatles, that was just not right. She had stepped to far this time.
"I mean seriously can anyone still relate to the Beatles?" Kitty enquired, she looked around the room for a reply. I could relate to the Beatles.
"Pretty much the whole world" Blaine replied.
"Yeah I can still relate to the Beatles" I interjected. I loved the Beatles and their music had gotten me through some tough times. She turned to me.
"Why did they have dyslexia and get cat fished by a transgender?" Kitty asked in her bitchy tone. That bitch, being cat fished really had hurt me and I still couldn't look wade in the eye. She had stepped over the line. I reached out and smacked the back of her ponytail. She cringed but she deserved it.
"Sing your favourite songs. If we can push ourselves like the Beatles did we can win a back to back national championship and form a new directions dynasty" Mr Shue laughed breaking the awkward silence. He wrote LET IT BE on the board in big block capitals. This has got to be the best lesson ever.
"...And you have two weeks to do the Beatles justice" Finn added. Yes two weeks. I loved the Beatles with a passion. A lesson that I could finally get into, I had been listening to the Beatles my whole life. The bell rang for the start of school, great study hall, the thrill of my life.
Kitty's POV
Urgh that bitch Bree was wandering the corridor again. I walked slowly towards her with Artie by my side.
"Hey girl how you been?" Bree asked with the usual perkiness in her voice that she used to cover her vicious snarls. The heartless man cow was out for me.
"I'm fine Bree. I see those diet pills are working on your mental health but not your ass" I replied in my sweet yet sour tone. Artie snorted quietly.
"Hahahaha Kitty you're just to funny. I hope you don't mind I took a picture of you and Instagramed it. You're going out right?" she asked with a empty expression on her face. She turned and walked away with two other Cheerios.
"She seems nice" Artie added. He obviously didn't know her that well, she was one of the vicious people who no one saw coming.
"She's a stone cold bitch who's out to get me" I summarised. It was true she wanted to be head Cheerio and I was next in line to be head Cheerio. I had more experience, was a better performer and had the attitude to go with the title. I saw Artie roll his eyes out the corner of my eye.
"Anyway let's kick this Beatles week off" I laughed changing the subject to the more pressing matter. Artie pulled a pair of beats speakers out of his bag and started playing music.

"Kitty and Artie:
Asked a girl what she wanted to be
She said baby, can't you see
I want to be famous, a star on the screen" I hopped on Artie's lap and he wheeled me down the hallway. All the New Directions(apart from Effy) appeared from out of know where.

"Kitty with New Directions:
But you can do something in between

Artie with Kitty:
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine

Kitty with New Directions:
But I can show you a better time

Artie with Kitty:
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you

I told a girl I can start right away
And she said listen babe I got something to say
I got no car and it's breaking my heart

Kitty with New Directions:
But I've found a driver and that's a start

Artie with Kitty:
Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And maybe I'll love you

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah
Beep beep'm beep beep yeah" We sang ending up alone in our spot underneath the star, also known as the weird classroom that no one uses, is always empty and has cheap plastic glow in the dark stars glued onto the ceiling.

Artie kissed my cheek. I hated to admit it but this was kind of perfect. I kissed him.
"You know we're more than friends right? But we need to keep it secret. I need popularity to survive in this school" I whispered quietly. Artie nodded.
"Does that mean...?" Artie began.
"No you can't tell Ryder, Jake, Sam or Blaine or else I wheel you down a hill" I explained. We both laughed and continued making out.
Effy's POV
Me and Marley wandered into the dinner. We applied this morning and got called to work tonight as a 911. The uniform was a white vest, black skirt and boots with an apron strapped across the front.
"Alright Murky, Iffy you'll be working the second floor tonight" Jacob the manager replied urgently. We had walked into a war zone. Screaming children, angry customer. It wasn't the ideal job but I needed the money. Jake wasn't too crazy about the idea either but he understood and since Lila had already left and Puck wasn't coming until next week so there was no one else objecting. It was a performing diner so at least we were doing something we liked.
"My name is Effy and my friend's name is Marley" I corrected in my angry voice, the fourth time in the past ten minutes I had to tell him that.
"Whatever you can perform whenever" Jacob growled before heading off to cover his section.
"Looks like we have an audience" Marley laughed pointing out Ryder, Jake, Kitty and Blaine sitting in a booth by the door.
"I'm going to kill your boyfriend" I growled to Marley.
"We get to keep our tips" Marley reminded me. That brightened me up a whole load.
"Don't I have the best brother?" I laughed changing my tone completely.
(Time skip half an hour).
"Wow that is some good milkshake" Blaine laughed sliding his empty glass into the middle of the table. I placed it on my already cluttered tray.
"I still don't see why you won't let me ask my mom to give you a job?" Ryder asked me. His mom worked at a fashion company as a senior buyer, I loved working with clothes but I didn't want anyone to just hand me a job.
"It's the principal of it" I replied before kissing him on the forehead.
"Thanks for the thought though" I added. Marley walked over to me.
" dad said he would let you intern with him" Blaine added as Marley passed by. Marley squealed before hugging Blaine.
"Thank you Blainey days" Marley shrieked. I gave her a tired disappointed look.
" dragged me into working at a that we could work together and now you're quitting?" I whined. She gave me an apologetic look. Screw it the only reason I was staying in this job was for Marley, I could earn money in thousands of different jobs. I glanced at Ryder.
"Fine" I growled at him. His face lit up like a christmas tree.
"Does that mean you're both quitting after your first night?" Kitty laughed. It was quite funny, I never liked this job anyway.
"One song before we leave?" I suggested while doing my hopeful puppy dog eyes at Marley.
"Hit it" Marley shouted to the band which were situated in the corner. They started playing an me and Marley started dancing around the corridor.

It's been a hard day's night
And I've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night
I should be sleeping like a log

But when I get home to you
I find the things that you do
Will make me feel all right

Effy with Marley:
You know I work all day
To get you money to buy you things
And it's worth it just to hear you say
You're gonna give me everything

Effy and Marley with Diner Workers:
So why on earth should I moan?
'Cause when I get you alone

Effy with Diner Workers:
You know I feel okay

When I'm home
Everything seems to be right

Effy with Diner Workers:
When I'm home
Feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeah

Marley with Effy and Diner Workers:
It's been a hard day's night

And I've been working like a dog

Marley with Effy and Diner Workers:
It's been a hard day's night

I should be sleeping like a log

Effy and Marley with Diner Workers:
But when I get home to you
I find the things that you do

Effy with Diner Workers:
Will make me feel all right, ooww!" We Started dancing on the tables.

"Marley and Effy with Diner Workers:
So why on earth should I moan?
'Cause when I get you alone

Effy with Diner Workers:
You know I feel okay

Marley and Effy with Diner Workers:
When I'm home
Everything seems to be right
When I'm home
Feeling you holding me tight, tight, yeah

Effy with Diner Workers:
It's been a hard day's night

Effy with Marley:
And I've been working like a dog

Effy and Marley with Diner Workers:
It's been a hard day's night

Effy with Marley:
I should be sleeping like a log

Effy and Marley with Diner Workers:
But when I get home to you
I find the things that you do

Effy with Diner Workers:
Will make me feel all right

Effy and Marley with Diner Workers:
You know I feel all right
You know I feel all right" I grabbed Marley's hand and led her out the restaurant.
"Stupid singing diner" I muttered.
"Where are we going?" Marley enquired as she looked back at the diner and all of our friends still there waiting for their cheque.
Being Sam's beard was a difficult affair. I had to explained to all my friends why I was dating a senior. I had to lie and say that we do 'it' on a regular basis. I had to lie to Kitty and Marley about it, even though Kitty knew that I liked Ryder. And spared now time in telling me dating Ryder Lynn would be social suicide but I couldn't help myself I was attracted to him. I was getting weird look from the jocks and my Cheerios friends just for talking to him.

Here I stand head in hand
Turn my face to the wall
If he's gone I can't go on
Feelin' two-foot small

Everywhere people stare
Each and every day
I can see them laugh at me
And I hear them say" I sang. I kept my eyes forward when I passed Ryder. He looked a little hurt by me ignoring him but that's the way it had to be.

"Effy and Ryder:
Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away

How can I even try
I can never win
Hearing them, seeing them
In the state I'm in

How could she say to me
Love will find a way
Gather round all you clowns
Let me hear you say (Effy: Say)

Hey you've got to hide your love away
Hey you've got to hide your love away

(Ryder: Oh) Hey you've got to hide your love away
(Ryder: Oh)" We sang while sitting next to each other in history awkwardly. Both of trying to keep our attention on Mr Shue teaching about the French Revolution.

Hey you've got to hide your love away" Ryder sang when he passed me for a final time in the corridor before I walked away with Kitty, Marley, Bree and a whole group of Cheerios girls. I looked back and saw him staring at me with hurt in his eyes.
Sam's POV
Every time I heard Blaine talking about wanting to ask Kurt to marry him it physically hurt me.
"So how do you think I should do it maybe write a song about his voice and sing it to him" Blaine laughed while we walked into the empty choir room.
"I don't think it would be a very romantic song singing about a voice that three year olds laugh at" I muttered. I had been a bitch during a conversation involving Kurt for a while now. Blaine snorted.
"What is up with you lately you've been in supreme-bitch mode?" Blaine laughed before we took our seats. It was true I was jealous, of Kurt of all people. He got to be Blaine's first, he got to be Blaine's first boyfriend and he was about to be FUCKING PROPOSED TO. No way in hell, all romantic motives aside Blaine was my best friend and I wasn't going to let him get married so young. Which meant I had to get him first, a win win situation if you will.
"What about a Beatles song?" I suggested as I hatched an evil plan in my head. You shall be mine Blaine Anderson.
"Which song though? Maybe the one that he sung when his bird died?" Blaine asked me. Even though I was in an anti-kurt phase at the moment I had to point out how ridiculous that sounded.
"You want to sing a song to ask Kurt to marry that he sung to a dead bird?" I asked whilst highlighting how idiotic that sounded. I knew exactly how I was going to change Blaine from Kurt the hippo broach to me the abs.
"I'll help you...just follow my lead" I explained. I plugged my phone into the speaker system. The music began blaring out of every orifice of the room.

I was alone, I took a ride
I didn't know what I would find there
Another road where maybe I
Could see another kind of mind there

Ooo, then I suddenly see you
Ooo, did I tell you I need you?
Every single day of my life

You didn't run, you didn't lie
You knew I wanted just to hold you
And had you gone, you knew in time

We'd meet again for I had told you

Blaine (and Sam):
(Uh!) You were meant to be near me
(Uh!) And I want you to hear me

Sam and Blaine:
Say we'll be together every day
Got to get you into my life

What can I do, what can I be?
When I'm with you I want to stay there
If I'm true I'll never leave
And if I do I know the way there

Sam with Blaine:
Uh! Then I suddenly see you
Uh! Did I tell you I need you?

Sam and Blaine:
Every single day of my life
Got to get you into my life

Got to get you into my life

I was alone, I took a ride
I didn't know what I would find there

Another road where maybe I
Could see another kind of mind there

And suddenly I see you

Did I tell you I need you?

Sam and Blaine:
I got to get you into my life" We sang to each. In a moment filled with adrenalin and hormones I leant in and kissed Blaine on the lips HARD. The weird thing was that he was kissing back and sliding his hand under my shirt. I pulled away. Blaine was blushing hard, literally just a new shade of red. Oh crap, what was I going to say to him. He was blinking at me, waiting for an answer in my guess.
"Something like that...for Kurt" I explained slowly. It was like knives puncturing my throat on every word. Blaine looked a bit shaken.
"Yeah...for Kurt" he panted, I was slightly out of breath as well. The bell rang overhead and the rest of the glee club started to pile in. Effy came and sat on my lap.
"You look all flustered babe you okay?" Effy asked while brushing my hair off my face. She was a really good actor and my best friend.
"I kissed Blaine?" I whispered in her ear, it looked like she wasn't listening. Ryder had just strolled in.
"Effy put your tongue back in your mouth I have some big news" I growled. She turned to me.
"What about Ryder?" She asked. I glared at her, yep she was head over heels for Ryder. So obvious.
"I kissed Blaine" I explained again in a hushed whisper. Her face lit up.
"Oh my god this is the best news I've heard all day" she squealed not so quietly. I placed my hand over her mouth.
"Ssssshhhhh glee's about to start" Sam laughed.
"Tomorrow after school at mine. I need some Sammy time I haven't seen you all week" Effy whined burying herself into my embrace. I wrapped my arms around her.
"Rocky road ice cream and high school musical?" I asked. She nodded.
"High school musical three" She corrected. Mr Shue strode in with the usual happiness and strive he had adopted.
"Alright guys how is the Beatles week coming along?" Mr Shue enquired while taking a seat on a stool and fiddling with the cap to his board marker.
"Mr Shue I have a question? Would you say that the Beatles stuck up for each other?" Tina enquired while glaring daggers at Kitty. I had no idea what was going on but I was beginning to get really intrigued. Was a fight about to break lose between Kitty and Tina? If so I had money on Kitty. Tina stormed to the front of the room with her arms crossed.
"Kitty and Artie have been dating and Kitty wants Artie to keep it a secret because of her popularity" Tina revealed. That I did not see coming. Damn Artie was kind of a manwhore. First Tina, then Brittany, then a kind of thing with Quinn, then Sugar, then Ali from Mr Shue's wedding and now Kitty.
"Yes it's true Arthur and I have been dating. And yes I told him to keep it a secret...let's face it me and Effy and Marley-ish are part of hierarchy of popularity at McKinley High an I wanted to be sure that I was ready to let Artie wheel into my heart before I gave all that up" Kitty explained. Why couldn't she have both?
"Why can't you have both?" Effy enquired.
"Please I've seen the glared from the other girls when I talk to Artie" Kitty explained. Effy shook her head.
"No that's just Bree turning everyone against you" Effy cleared up while folding her arms.
"Well either way I would rather have Artie now" Kitty laughed placing a well deserved kiss on her new boyfriends cheek.
God why couldn't I just talk to Effy. I knew she wouldn't date me, I wasn't on the football team anymore, I wasn't popular. If I had that letterman jacket then maybe she would though. For now though Blaine was holding a super-secret glee boys meeting.
"I have all gathered you here today...because one of our members has become a bitter shrew to put it simply" Blaine announced. I looked up, it was so obvious who he walk talking about.
"Yeah that would be Tina" we all added in sync with each other.
"I don't understand she used to be this cheerful girl before she got dumped by Artie for not having a stutter and Mike for not being asian enough or something" Blaine explained. I trailed off at the end, how could someone not be asian enough?
"So what do you want us to do about it?" Jake asked. We all leaned forward while Blaine divulged his super-secret boys club meeting master plan.

We gathered in the auditorium with Tina and the rest of the girls staring blankly at us. I was at the back of the stage sat at my drums. Jake was on the left of the stage with his guitar, Sam on the right with his and Blaine front and centre like usual.
"So what's going on again?" Effy asked. The girls sat in the front row of the auditorium.
"Tina we noticed that lately you've been..." Blaine began in a soft tone trying to let her know easily.
"...You've been a bitter shrew who's killing everyone's buzz" I snapped, I was always one who believed in ripping off the bandage in one fluent movement.
"Thanks...Ryder" Blaine replied slowly, I don't think that anyone was expecting that little outburst from me there.
"So this is for you" Sam announced cutting the awkward silence that tailed my little out burst. We started. The girls started screaming when they caught on to or song choice, all of the pushing themselves up against the stage.

1, 2, 3, 4!

Well, she was just seventeen,
You know what I mean,
And the way she looked was way beyond compare.

Blaine with New Directions Boys:
So how could I dance with another, Whooh!
When I saw her standin' there?

Well she looked at me, and I, I could see
That before too long I'd fall in love with her.

Jake with New Directions Boys:
She wouldn't dance with another, Whooh!
When I saw her standin' there.

Ryder with New Directions Boys:
Well, my heart went "boom,"
When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in mine...

Whoah, we danced through the night,
And we held each other tight,
And before too long I fell in love with her.

Sam with New Directions Boys:
Now I'll never dance with another, Whooh!
Since I saw her standing there, Awwww!

C'mon and dance, hey
Oh yeah

Whoah, we danced through the night,
And we held each other tight,
And before too long I fell in love with her.

Blaine with New Directions Boys:
Now I'll never dance with another, Whooh!
Since I saw her standing there
Well, since I saw her standing there
Yeah, well, since I saw her standing there" we sang pretty damn well in my opinion, loved the beatles. I noticed that there was one pair of eyes that were on me at all times, that was Effy's. I grinned at her slightly. She went crimson and averted her eyes to the floor. I needed that letterman jacket badly.
No One's POV
Effy sifted through her history folder quickly, history test with with Mr Shue next session. Effy closed her locker and there stood Ryder wearing a gleaming new letterman jacket over his long sleeved tee. The smell of his aftershave was intoxicating. His dirty blond hair was all ruffled up like he'd just done exercise and he was sporting his usual sexy grin. She jumped.
"Jeez dude, how long have you been stood there?" Effy panted, being short of breath and all. Ryder laughed and stroke a strand of hair off my face.
"We're going out tomorrow night" Ryder stated confidently, handing Effy a ticket to the fair in Akron tomorrow night.
"Ryd I'm kind of already going with...." Effy began with an apologetic look on her face. Ryder just couldn't catch a break.
"...with Sam" he snapped finishing her sentence. Effy laughed and took his hand.
"Actually I'm going with Jake, Marley and Kitty" Effy laughed. Ryder looked down at his hand.
"What's with the hand holding?" Ryder asked raising one of his eyebrows. She stretched up and pecked him on the cheek
"Me and Sam aren't dating anymore" Effy pointed out. Ryder's day suddenly lit up.
"Why?" Ryder enquired taking Effy's other hand in his own and kissing it softly.

Flashback(Effy's POV)
Me and Sam sat in my room after the awkwardness that was today. Me basically undressing Ryder with my eyes(which was an amazing image) and Sam singing a number with Blaine and kissing him. We ha been through three tubs of rocky road and two high school musical movies.
"Man I am stuffed" Sam moaned dropping his spoon in the last empty tub of ice cream.
"I wonder what Ryder looks like naked?" I sighed thinking back to my mental picture from earlier this morning in study hall.
"You like him that much?" Sam enquired taking my hand.
"I think we should tell people that we broke up" Sam explained. I raised my eyebrow.
"If you were straight you would have already had your way with me Mr Evans" I laughed before hugging him in gratitude.
"Ryder is a lucky boy" Sam laughed squeezing me tighter. I pulled away and punched his arm.
"I'm not just going to sleep with Ryder. There's a connection and he's the only boy that I've liked before we've had sex" I explained. It didn't really sound like an achievement but it really was.

"We both like different people" Effy explained after a few awkward minutes. Ryder laughed.
"And who might be the guy you like?" Ryder asked, he obviously thought it was him. So she decided to be mean and play a little joke on him.
"Who ever said it was a guy?" She asked innocently looking around the corridor, damn she love how easily she could lie to people. Ryder's eyes widened in shock. He looked like he was about to pass out. He shook his head and scrunched his eyes.
"I thought you and Kitty were becoming besties a little to fast" he pointed out. Wait what? He thought that Effy and Kitty were...ewwwwwwwwwww. She screwed her face up in disgust.
"Ew, I was joking" She laughed. Ryder glared at her. Damn she was evil, and a very good and convincing liar. Ryder playfully punched her arm.
"You're evil and a good liar" Ryder pointed out.
"Yeah it wasn't really that convincing a actually thought I was a lesbian, you're too cute" Effy laughed locking her locker and clutching her history folder to her chest. Ryder bit his lip and smiled happily.
"You think I'm cute?" Ryder enquired with a giddy expression on his face.
"I think you're cute...and sexy...and sweet...and hopefully a good kisser" Effy announced before turning on her heels and walking away. Ryder jumped and punched the air.
"Be at mine for eight" Effy shouted down the corridor. Effy decided to take a short cut through the music corridor and came face to face with Bree.
"We need to have a little talk" she smiled in her sweet sour tone.
Effy's POV
I sighed loudly.
"What now?" I asked rudely. It was the only way to get through to some people. She laughed bitterly.
"So you broke up with Sam Evans the school hottie for Ryder Lynn who isn't even popular?" Bree asked with an angry look on her face.
"Urm...Ryder has a letterman jacket now so he's back on the football team...and you're in no position to judge who I date when the most sexual activity you've had in the last two years is when the gynaecologist is able to pry your legs apart and play with you lady-man bits and FYI no one even remembers your name, you're known as the chocolate Cheerio so you're really not that popular yourself" I snapped before pushing past her and walking to history. Kitty caught up to me.
"So Ryder's joining us then huh?" Kitty giggled. I laughed and nodded.
"Yeah he is" I added in my do not judge me tone. Kitty put her hands up in defence.
"I'm just saying what everyone is talking about. You two always look at each other and you could cut the sexual tension with a chainsaw" Kitty added at the same time we walked into the loud history classroom. we took our seats at the back as per usual.
"Well now that you and Sam aren't dating you can pursue Ryder an if you don't like him then you can always go back to being friends or whatever the hell you guys are at the moment" Kitty explained, she may be the blond head cheerleader but she was also very wise. Anyway why was she telling me to pursue Ryder when on Monday she said he was bad news?
"So now you're saying that I should go out with Ryder?" I asked a little confused, m head gets mixed up when it comes to large problems or dilemmas. Kitty sighed and looked at me with a tired look in her eyes.
"To be honest the only reason I said those things was because Bree said everyone should be dating someone with popularity but I don't really care what she says anymore. To hell with the bitch Kitty laughed. Mr Shue walked in and everyone fell quiet.
"Alright test time guys" he said was too happily for a thursday morning. I moaned and buried my head firmly into the structure of the table and went back to my fantasy of Ryder, who was sat at the very front of the classroom.
Thursday night
I put on a pair of leggings and a dress top with my denim jacket over the top. Perfect for the fair in Akron tonight. Marley and Kitty were picking stuff out of my closet to wear.
"You would think that you two don't own any of your own clothes I shouted to the two of them, loud enough so they could hear me. My closet was a walk in one. There was an empty space back there so I thought I would make use of it. Marley emerged in a vest, skinny jeans and a green zip up hoody. Kitty in a crop top, leggings and brown heeled boots. It was sad that it took Jake longer than us to get ready. I put my hair into my high ponytail and we left my room. Marley walked over to Jake's door and banged in it repeatedly.
"Come on dude we're going to be late" Marley growled through the door. I was actually getting scared of how strict she was about time keeping.
"One sec I'm just putting on pants" Jake shouted back to us. Marley rolled her eyes.
"And the guys say we take long to get ready" Kitty laughed taking a seat on the stair railing.
"He sings into the hairdryer in the morning" I announced taking a seat against the railing.
"What! He doesn't have enough hair" Marley laughed. Jake opened the door and Marley fell back into his arms. They were so cute together it was unreal. I wanted something like that out of relationship.

"I heard that" Jake growled evilly before attacking his girlfriend's neck. I turned away and made a barfing sound.

"Cut out the PDA" Kitty snapped before jumping of the railing and leading me down stairs. I did think they were good together but it was going to be really awkward if they were making out all night and I was with Ryder. Oh my god why didn't I just say that I was doing homework or something? I am such a freak.

"Oh my god I hope they aren't doing that all night. It will be really award if they do" I sighed taking a seat by the door. Kitty laughed and collapsed on the sofa opposite.

"Why, afraid Ryder will get some ideas?" Kitty chuckled. She really was evil, oh crap what if she was right?, what if Ryder did kiss me? What would I do? Do I kiss back or not? Oh great now I'm spiralling out of control. Just breath this was only the first date, oh crap this was the first date. Calm down Effy you know what to do on a first date. Laugh at the guys joke even when they're not that funny, hold his hand every possible chance, when you go on the scary rides lean into his chest for protection even though they're usually more scared than you and definitely do not have sex with him. I was panicking and Kitty was dying in the corner from my hyperventilating. The doorbell rang. I could literally feel the colour drain from my face. I jumped up instantly.

"What do I do?" I asked Kitty quietly, she rolled her eyes.

"I'm no expert but I think you open the door" she said with a straight face, even though I knew she was dying to laugh her head off. Reluctantly I opened the door. On the porch stood Ryder in a blue hoody, skinny jeans and black vans. His face lit up, damn he was sexy when he smiled. He handed me flowers. Oh crap I was going to sleep with him.

"For you my lady" he laughed. I pulled him inside the house, mainly so I could turn away to hide my smile. I immediately grabbed Kitty and pulled her into the kitchen.

"What?" she asked quietly so that Ryder couldn't hear. I placed the flowers on the worktop.

"I've never got flowers before. I always thought they were a tacky excuse for a thank you or an apology but now I don't know" I whined. Kitty slapped me and I blinked at her trying to fight back tears of pain. Damn she could slap.

"Get a hold of yourself girl. You're a Cheerio, the top of the social pyramid you don't get intimidated by a date with a guy on the football team now get back out there and have the best first date of your life" Kitty snapped. She still hadn't said why she needed to slap me. I walked back out to the front room. Ryder grinned at me from the couch.

"Everything alright?" he asked sitting up. I walked over and sat next to him.

"Everything's fine just waiting for Jake and Marley to stop having at each other then we can leave" I laughed. He cracked a smile. I knew that talking about Jake and Marley being together probably wasn't the best idea, it was still kind of a fresh wound for Ryder but I didn't know what else to talk about.

"So how is being a Cheerio?" he asked me. I honestly didn't know how to answer that. It was good because I was do what I loved which was dancing. Bad because it came with a whole load of drama, one of the main things being a sheep named Bree. And lonely because everyone though that the popular girl always had someone to be with. I didn't mind whether I was popular or not to be honest. I only joined because of the dancing aspect and not the popularity.

"Not what I expected it to be. I only like the dancing I don't really care if I'm popular" I explained. He smiled at me.

"So you don't like being a Cheerio?" Ryder enquired. He turned his body to face me and rest his head on the back of the seat. He had his puppy dog face on. I just wanted to kiss him right now.

"I do, just not the fact that Bree controls every aspect of the other girl's lives when she's not even head Cheerio" I explained. He took my hand in his. I could my face going bright red.

"Well as long as you stay exactly the way you are then I'm fine with your decisions" Ryder whispered, he moved in towards me and cupped my cheek in his hand. I put my hand on the back of his neck and when we were just about to kiss...

"Alright let's get going" Marley and Jake laughed entering the room unexpectedly. Marley blushed when she realised what she had just walked in on. Jake was covering his eyes muttering 'not my sister' repeatedly. Kitty entered seconds later.

"We leaving?". I was going to kill Marley and Jake later.



No One's POV

Effy walked into the choir room on Friday morning to a much unexpected sight, one she definitely thought she wouldn't be seeing, Sam and Blaine holding hands. Her eyes widened, her face brightened.

"Explain now?" she laughed hugging the pair of them in turn. Effy thought that Blaine was definitely going to be with Kurt since he was planning to propose. But this was so much better. Sam was her gay best friend and Blaine was a cutie, and a hair gel addicted. Sam held their linked hands up for everyone to see.

"We talked last night which lead to other things" Sam laughed, Blaine went crimson at the last part of his sentence and hit Sam's shoulder.

"Oh yeah secret things that happened" Sam corrected with a guilty smile on his face. Effy hugged Sam again before she took her seat next to Marley.

"So what happened with you and Ryder last night?" Marley enquired the second she touched the chair. Effy shot Marley daggers.

"Nothing" Effy growled through her gritted teeth. Marley went insta-red.

"Because me and Jake walked in..?" Marley asked. Effy replied with a simple 'uh-huh'. Marley gave Effy an apologetic smile.

"Sorry?" Marley ventured with a very apologetic look on her face. Effy grinded her teeth once more.

"It's not your fault" Effy decided. Mr Shue entered the choir room with Finn on his heels. Both of them stopped to look at the PDA emitting from Sam and Blaine. Finn's ears went red. Mr Shue gulped.

"When did this happen?" Mr Shue questioned, he wasn't able to take his eyes off the new couple's joint hands.

"Last night" Blaine explained with glee in his voice.

"What about Kurt?" Finn enquired, Kurt was Finn's step-brother so naturally he would be a little confused and annoyed.

"It was never going to work with Kurt. He's in New York and I'm here" Blaine responded.

"Anyway. Let's get back to this week's assignment. What's this week's group number going to be?" Kitty asked attempting to avert the attention from the new couple. Blaine walked to the front of the room by the piano.

"If I may?" Blaine asked us all.

"Go for it" Jake replied. Blaine whispered to the band. They began to play. We all ran to the auditorium.

"Blaine(New Directions):

(Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love)

(Love) There's nothing you can do that can't be done(Love) Nothing you can sing that can't be sung(Love) Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game, it's easy

(Love) Nothing you can make that can't be made(Love) No one you can save that can't be saved(Love) Nothing you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time it's easy (Love)

All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love, love is all you need

Love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love, love

All you need is love, All you need is love, All you need is love, love

Love is all you need.

(Love) Nothing you can know that isn't known (Love) Nothing you can see that isn't shown(Love) There's nowhere you can be that isn't where

You're meant to be It's easy

All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love, love is all you need

(Love is all you need)All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love

Blaine with New Directions(New Directions):
Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)Love is all you need (Love is all you need)

yeah (Love is all you need) He loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah (Love is all you need)He loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah" We received a round of applause from Finn and Mr Shue and we all ended in a group hug.

So what should I do after the next beatles chapter. Either boys verses girls, duets or maybe youtube stars

Drive my car - The Beatles
Hard day's night - The Beatles
Hide your love away - The Beatles
I saw her standing there - The Beatles
Got to get you into my life - The Beatles
All you need is love - The Beatles

GLEE Being Effy Puckerman(Ryder Lynn love story)Where stories live. Discover now