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Okay guys im updating and i know these a really short but im too lazy to make long discriptive chapters.


BUT i hope you enjoy this chapter i love you guys and the las (1D) Thank Thank Thank you. Please comment of what you think about this story.



I can hear thuds coming up the stairs. OH MY GOD its dads hes gonna take me away again. Whhere should i hide?

*Thud Thud Thud*"emilyy...Were Going Come ON pack your bags" he shouted while banging on my door.


What should i say. WAIT if i stay inside my room longer the rescue team will come. BINGO. will he ever stop banging the door down im sooo scared. W-what if h-he takes me away a-and hurts m-me. i feel warm trickles gliding down my cheeks, my throat is dry. No no your brave enough em dont cry.


I looked around the room for something to at least knock him out. Hanger.No. Perfume. No. Pepper spary. Maybe. i grab that but then i thought came to my mind. MY BASEBALL BAT. i scrurrie around the room and find my bat in the cabinet near my bed. i wonder what hes doing n-


I get my bat ready as he charges the room and swing like ive never before. Watching as he lays there unconsious i slowly tip toe downstairs making sure mum doesnt hear me.Sirens are getting louder, running to there door i see the key isnt there.

"Shit" i curse under my breath. i rumage through the cabinets and look under the mat. i sigh relieved i have found it. Slowly unlocking the door i hear heals clicking down the stairs..UGH its mum. Quickly struggling to open the door it clicks open and i run outside soo fast i can see blue red lights comiing towards me.

I stop and say"IM FOUND" spinning around admiring the blue sky and lush green grass. People start running towards me lifting me up and putting me on a rolling thing into a bright van. Then i begin to stutter. Are they working with my kidnappers. 

i feel my voice coming back to me.

"W-who are y-you? A-and what do y-you want f-f-rom m-me?" i hug my knees digging my head inside.

 A voice goes through my ears

"Your okay sweetie were the rescue team and youre gonna be fine"

Those words brightened up my face sending fireworks around my body. I cry of happiness as the rescue team hug me and comforting me. Then A guy Came a song sending me to sleep:

Your hand fits in mine 

Like it's made just for me 

But bear this in mind 

It was meant to be 

And I'm joining up the dots 

With the freckles on your cheeks 

And it all makes sense to me 

I know you've never loved 

The crinkles by your eyes when you smile 

You've never loved 

Your stomach or your thighs 

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine 

But I'll love them endlessly 

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 

But if I do, it's you, 

Oh it's you, 

They add up to 

I'm in love with you, 

And all these little things 

You can't go to bed, 

Without a cup of tea, 

And maybe that's the reason 

That you talk, in your sleep 

And all those conversations 

Are the secrets that I keep 

Though it makes no sense to me 

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape 

You never want to know how much you weigh 

You still have to squeeze into your jeans 


You're perfect to me 

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth 

But if it's true, 

It's you, 

It's you, 

They add up to 

I'm in love with you, 

And all these little things 

You'll never love yourself 

Half as much as I love you 

You'll never treat yourself right, darlin' 

But I want you to, 

If I let you know, I'm here for you, 

Maybe you'll love yourself, 

Like I love you 


And I've just let these little things 

Slip, out of my mouth, 

'Cause it's you, oh it's you, 

It's you, 

They add up to 

And I'm in love with you, 

And all these little things, 

I won't let these little things 

Slip, out of my mouth, 

But if it's true, 

It's you, it's you, 

They add up to, 

I'm in love with you, 

And all your little things



So i hope you like this chapter I KNOWW I KNOWW its short but vote and comment below id really appreciate it TANKS.


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