Food Shopping

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Emily's POV

I woke up to the sound of the front door slamming. Who the fudge is that? I wore my slippers and walked out the bedroom groggily. God i stink. When I got downstairs I saw a note stuck on the door.

*Good morning Em had a nice sleep? Anyway we just found out we had an interview this morning so help yourself I put £100 on the tables because we need food and niall ate it all. The rest you can spend on.

Liam x*

I groaned loudly and let all my anger out. And they Had to shut the door so loud-Note the sarcasm.

I marched upstairs to the toilet and had a shower. Brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I picked my outfit which was Short ripped jeans with a buttoned up purple shirt fading into white. Then I got out a jean cardigan with my grey TOMS. Had to say its hot out.

I wore my clothes then brushed my hair out tightly rolling it into a bun on the top of my head then clipped a black bow on the side. I walked out the room and walked down the stairs to the kitchen.

I guess I'll just have cereal.

Cornflakes, Cocopops, Kraves, Goldenpuffs!

I got the milk out and poured myself the cereal eating in silence. I'm not use to this since Louis is always a morning person. I finished my bowl got the money and my bag and headed out the door.

Did I tell you I had a car? Well liam got me a car and I'm grateful for it. I hopped in the car and drove off to Asda.

((A/N-Asda is Wal-Mart In the UK))

I turned up the radio and One republic was on. I loved their song.

"Mm..Young but I'm not that feel something so right doing the wrong thing." I hummed the rest as I parked my car in the lot.


"Ok what do we need?" I sighed. "Carrots..yea obviously...cucumber, cabbage tomatoes.."

Hours and foods later...

"Ok have a nice day" The counter lady smiled at me. She must of said the for the millionth time today. Poor her. I walked to my car carefully putting the food away in my car then walked to the side I got in putting the things I bought on the other seat. I bought a stack of nail varnish and lip gloss, popcorn and haribos for the lazy day today and chocolates (Like..LOTS).


As I was putting the groceries away I heard something shuffle near the door. I quickly wipped my head around and said "Whose there?" Silence. I cocked my eyebrow and returned to putting the groceries away. That's when I felt something contact my sides and i yelped banging my funny bone on the table.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I spinned around with a wooden spoon to be met with.......



Wtf is niall doing there eh?

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