where would Elly go? > chapter nine

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Joshes pov

"who is this?" Abby jumps up from the couch and makes her way to the door.

Think fast think fast think fast

"I'm with a well known magazine, I just finished interviewing josh." Elly says nonchalantly.

"Then where's your car? Why are you at the door?" Abby crosses her arms.

"Josh and I went to a cafe down the street in his car, my car is parked down the block. I offered to walk him to the door." Elly flashes a welcoming smile to Abby.

"How nice!" Abby says sarcastically.

"You should be leaving now. Nice meeting you!" She pulls me into the house and slams the door in Elly's face.

"Why were you so rude, she didn't do anything to you?" I question, completely shocked by her behavior.

"I'm tired of your shit Josh." (Oml sorry for I have sinned lmao)

"What? I'm still confused with what I have done wrong?"

I run my hand through my hair in frustration.

"Nothing." She holds her uptight stance.


"Ok, whatever." I start to walk away but she grabs my arm and pulls me into a kiss.

She tastes like cigarettes and mint gum.

Her movement is wet and sloppy, with no emotion whatsoever. She wraps her arms around my back and rubs circles with her claw like nails.

My eyes are wide open.

Much like they have been the past few months. I close my eyes and kiss back, trying to relight the match that burned out by a lack of communication.

But like always, a wind blows through and the spark floats away as a mere ash.

She pulls away, "I love you".

"I love you t-too." I choke on my words.

The phone ringing pulls me into reality.

"I'll get it."


It can't be her, he doesn't have my home phone.

I don't want to take any chances.

"No no no. I'll get it sweetheart!"

I dash towards the phone but Abby snaches it from under my hand.

"Haha, it's toll free! Nothing important."

"Oh." I smile.


She is out there on the streets, how in the world will I find her.

"Let's go eat?" Abby grabs my waist.

I swear she is bipolar.

One minute she is cursing at me, one minute she won't let me go.

"I already ate."


"Taco Bell."

Her face goes blank.


"I ate Taco Bell." My eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"I thought you went to the cafe down the street."

Oh crap.

"I-I mean I did I just went to taco Bell this morning a-and I met up with ell-the interviewer after."

I've always been horrible at lying.

But luckily she buys it, "ok. Well I'm going to get some dinner, see you soon."

She kisses my cheek and like that she's gone.

I run to my room and throw on a jacket and a pair of glasses and run out the door.

I jump in my van and turn the key.

It's nearly dark outside, only a sliver of sun lighting the town.

Where would Elly go?

To her bench?

I drive in a rush to the bench we first met.

I spot a hooded person with their back facing the opposite direction.

I roll down the window, "Elly?"

The figure turns around revealing their identity.

It is most definitely not Elly, but the old man who attempted to steal her clothes.




*Has not been edited*

If your reading this, that means you have suffered through 9 horrible chapters. Congratulations!

Back On my Feet // A Josh Dun FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora