Do lawyers even have assistants? > chapter twelve

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Elly's pov

I glare at Josh who is still inside the park gates, talking on the phone to who I'm guessing is the police.

He clicks his phone off, slides it in his pocket, and starts walking in my direction.

"I'm really sorry Josh, none of this would have happened if it wasn't for me." I say as he unlocks the door to his van.

"Elly it's not either of our faults, but I'm preventing this from happening again. Give me your number." He says as we get in the car and buckle our seatbelts.

"Give me your phone." I hold out my hand in his direction.

He stares at me for a moment and then quickly retrieves his phone.

I grab it from his hands and type in my number.

"I put myself in your phone as dr. Woods so your girlfriend won't flip a turd. Just make sure she never calls me. I might exchange a few unpleasant words with her."

"Shouldn't you get my number too?" He questions.

"I called myself, I'll put you in my contacts later."

"God your good at this whole lying thing." He says as he pulls out of the park.

"My work almost requires it." I laugh.

"Speaking of, what is your line of work?"

Oh crap, I shouldn't have opened my mouth.

Whats a job that requires you to lie?

Journalist, duh.

A lawyer, car salesman, sales rep, prostitute?

Yeah, I think I'll go with the first one.

"Lawyer. I'm a lawyer."

"You don't come off to me as a lawyer."

Because I'm not.

"Ah, I'm studying. I was working as a lawyers assistant."

Ha, do lawyers even have assistants?

Who cares.

"I'm going to try to get a part time job so I can go back to school."

"That's good." He smiles at me exposing his angelically white teeth and butterflies begin to swarm in my stomach.

Oh god, I'm going to hell for lying.

"Where are we going?" I change the subject.

"The police said they would send someone out to the park and that we could go home. So, I figured we could go out for a drink. There a really nice bar down the street from the house and I figure we both need one."

I nod and fiddle with the hem of my shirt.

Should I at least tell him I have never drank alcohol?

No, he'll think I'm a wimp.

I turned twenty one a few months ago and I just don't have an interest in alcohol.

We pull in front of the apartment and both hop out of the car.

"It's within walking distance. We shouldn't drink and drive, even if it's only one." He says as he begins strolling down the street.

I trail behind him and prey that we get there soon.

My feet are killing me.


I'm the worst person in the world because I never update.

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Not edited.

Back On my Feet // A Josh Dun FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora