How about some 1000 ways to die? > chapter three

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"What was that?" She asks Josh. I can almost imagine the look on her face, I mean if I knew what she looked like.

I hold my breath as I hear her heals click against the hardwood floor.

"Maybe a neighbor?" Josh replies.

"That didn't sound like a neighbor."

Her heals click around the room, in what I guess is in a search for something. They roam near the closest and thankfully find their way to the other side of the room.

"Oh crap!" A bang erupts.

"Are you ok?" Josh frantically questions.

Hah, I guess she fell.

"Get off of me! And pick up these stupid drumsticks! I'm leaving, talk to you later."

And like that she was gone. I jump up and bust out of the closet.


Josh doesn't say a word, just points down the hall.


I run down the hall and turn to the left.

And sitting here on the toilet gets me thinking,

His girlfriend is a piece of shit.

I finish up and make my way to the living room, where Josh is now sitting in the floor with a trash bag picking up all the broken drumsticks.

"So, do you love her?" I bluntly ask.

He gapes at me with a hurt expression.

"I think, I used to admire her. But I feel us growing further and further apart."

"Oh." I can't think of anything to say that would make this situation any better, so I get down on my hands and knees and begin picking up the wood shards.

Today has been eventful. I haven't known this man for more than a couple hours and I already feel as if I know everything about him.

"How did You meet?"

"We were high school sweethearts."

"Oh, how old are you?"

"Twenty seven."

"Dude, you guys have been together a long time."

He laughs at my use of slang, "Yeah, that's why I'm scared she's getting bored of me."

"Just sleep on it, it'll all be better tomorrow." I beam at him.

"Good idea, but considering it's already almost six I probably won't get any sleep."

"How about some 1000 ways to die?" I say as I turn behind me to see a man shoving something in his no no area.

"Sure."  Josh laughs and treads over to the couch.

I get up from the now drum stick clean floor and set down on the far side of the couch.

"What do you think is the worst way to die?" Josh turns my direction and sits crisscross.

"Suffocation. You?" I say. Drowning is my biggest fear, so ultimately I would think suffocation is a horrible way to die.

"Impaling myself with a drumstick." He says as he makes a stabbing motion straight at his chest.

"Ouch. You should send that in, they'd probably put it on there." I chuckle.

"I've honestly thought about it."

Our small talk comes to an end as we doze off, unknowingly sprawling our bodies out onto the couch.


Ding dong

My eyes flash open as the door bell rings.

"Oh crap." Josh jumps up and peers over to me.


Another fun chapter to write!

Qotd: I really want to change ellys name, but I don't know what to change it to. Any ideas? Best answer could get a dedication in book of choice ;)

Back On my Feet // A Josh Dun FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora