will you dance with m-e? > chapter thirteen

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Elly's pov

Josh holds the door to the bar, "ladies first."

I smile and wait by the inside of the door for him to make his way in.

The place seems classy, no fighting or passed out civilians. The dim lightning and cozy red walls add a comforting feel to the place. I follow Josh up to the bar and the bartender winks at him.

"Who is this lovely lady?" The bartender smirks at me and pours two shots.

"A friend." Josh throws the shot back and slams the glass back down on the counter, letting a small gasp roll off his lips.

I stare down at the glass in front of me, not sure if I want whatever this is to be my first drink.

"It won't bite, pretty." The bartender winks at me.
He has a tall built frame towering over me and Josh, brown hair, and a five a clock shadow. A smirk must be stuck on his face because every time I look at him he has one.

The bartender keeps pouring the liquor, and Josh keeps drinking.

Josh and the man start up small talk and I hop out of the stool in search of a bathroom. I make my way past filled tables with people yelling and hooting, it almost drowns out the sound of the tall blonde on stage belting out 'I like big butts'. When I finally find a bathroom relief rushes through me.

There is toilet paper strolled across the floor and I strange chunky yellow substance lying in the corner. I glare at myself in the mirror and try to wipe the smudged mascara off the bottom of my eyes.

I have had a rough night and for some reason I feel it's going to get even rougher.

I make my way out of the bathroom to find Josh shirtless on stage dancing. I'm not complaining, but it worries me it only took him about five minutes to get slop dobbing drunk. I walk up to the bar and take a seat next joshes shirt, and shoes.

'No shoes, no shirt, no problem', A sign read above the bar. I guess he's not breaking any rules.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" The same bartender questions.

"A water please, someone has to take Josh home."

"My name is Mathew by the way, Josh comes by often. Although something bad must have happened with Abby for him to get this wild. This is a first for me." Mathew chuckles.

I glance over at Josh who is lying down on the piano counting his fingers.

"What do you know about Abby?" I ask as he makes his way back with my water.

"She and Josh have been together for a long time. She has some trust issues. He has been trying to mend their relationship for a long time but as far as I can see there is no mending it."

I take a sip of my water and almost spit it out as Josh screams my name into the microphone.

"Elly-y" Josh hiccups.

" will you dance with m-e?"

I shake my head in embarrassment and turn around in my stool.

"Elly!" Josh shouts.



The whole crowd joins in and I have no choice but to hop out of my bar stool and make my way to Josh in the middle of the dance floor.


This chapter was so fun to write, I hope you enjoyed!

Comment to make a poor fan fiction authors day.

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*not edited

Back On my Feet // A Josh Dun FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora