Do you know who Josh Dun is? > chapter seventeen

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"I wasn't expecting to see you crawling back so soon." My exboss sits in his expensive leather swivel chair with his arms folded over his big stomach.

"I'm not here to get my job back." I shoot bullets with my eyes, it takes all of me not to jump over the desk and wrap my hands around his Michelin Man throat.

He smirks, "Then why make an appearance here? We already have a janitor."

Anger boils inside of me.

"I wanted to make a deal but I can see your head is too far up your ass to hear me."

He sits up as if I caught his attention.

"What kind of deal are you considering making with me?"

I clear my throat and pull a chair infront of his desk.

"Do you know who Josh Dun is?"

"Yeah, He is well known in town. Why are you asking?" His eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Because I could give you an inside scoop on his daily life-"

Nausea runs through me, I know what I'm doing is wrong but I need to prove them wrong. I can make it.

"Continue speaking."

"I have ties with him and-and I could write and article for you to publish in your magazine."

"What do you want for this article?" I grin spreads on his face.


He looks confused so I try to clear things up, "The publicity alone will get me a high ranking position at another publisher."

"I think you have yourself a deal." He hold his hand up but I decline and turn towards the door.

"You won't regret it."


I walk through the door and josh is lounging on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table. I stopped by the convenient store on the way home so josh wouldn't suspect anything.

"You were gone for four hours? Did you get lost?" Josh mumbles as he flips through channels until landing on 1000 ways to die.

"No, I got sidetracked."

"Do you wanna go to the movie?" Josh jumps up from the couch.

"It doesn't matter to me. I need to get ready though." I smile at his enthusiasm.

"Take your time." He smiles and walks towards his room.

I follow his lead and make my way to my room and close the door. I fling my unnecessary female products onto the bed and sit down taking in what had happened. Suddenly regret washes over me, I can't do this to such a sweet person.

He is the only one I have.

Yet as I think of a life where people look up to me as a writer that I yearn to be nothing matters. I have to make something of myself. I can come back and mend the holes after all of this is said and done.

I pull a pair of skinny jeans on and joshes hoodie. I hope he doesn't mind me using it again. I brush a little mascara on.

Me and josh coincidentally open our doors at the same time, colliding into each other.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry." I say trying to regain my balance.

Joshes hands are wrapped around my waist in an attempt to steady me.

"There's no need to apologize." He smirks at me.

And at that moment I realize how fast he can go from sweet to fuck boy.



I say this every time but I love when you comment and give feedback so please please pleaseeeee do so.

Anyways, do yo guys kinda understand how the book is unraveling?

Stay alive pls

Back On my Feet // A Josh Dun FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora