where am I supposed to go? > chapter eleven

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Ellys pov

Stupid Josh.

Stupid Abby.

And Stupid me.

Now where am I supposed to go? I never should have never agreed to stay with him anyways. All this is going to do is be complete trouble.

I guess I'll just go to my lovely bench. The only thing that won't push me away.

Or not.

As I turn the corner a see that sly old man lounging on it like a bed.


I turn around and begin to walk away, before I do something stupid like start a fight.

"Hey youngin, I can scoot over for ya?" He grins showing his rotten smile.

"I'd rather not." I roll my eyes and continue walking.

What am I supposed to do now.

Come to think of it I have about five dollars left that I was saving for an emergency. I could always take a bus to the park, they have plenty of benches. And no one is going to be there this late. It's the safest place in town.

I wait at the bus stop and in as little as three minutes a bus stops by. There were only a few people on. I sit in front of a man in a suit, who seems to be annoyed by something. Who knows? Maybe his car broke down. Someone dressed that nice doesn't usually ride the bus. I lean my head on the window and watch the city life pass by. All the streets are illuminated by the warm glow of the street lights and the sky is tinted a dark purple that slowly fades into pastel pink. It is almost fun, that is if there weren't someone snoring in the back.

By the time we got to my stop the bus was empty.

I drag myself down the isle and down the bus stairs realizing I was more tired than I thought I was.

"Watch out dear." The elderly man said as he closed the door to the bus.

My stomach flips.

I start to have second thoughts about this as I stare into the empty pitch black park. I turn around and the bus is long gone.

No going back now.

I creep through the park gates and try to be optimistic, but the park seems to be more like a graveyard at night. I'll just do what I would do if it was day time.

I walk towards the swing set and take a seat. I gently rock my self back and forth, reliving previous memories with Josh in this exact spot.

As much as I don't want to, I enjoy his company. I think I might even have a tiny crush, But this is strictly business. so I'll keep it professional.

I wonder if Josh and Abby are sucking faces right now. Or maybe even worse. I mean they do have to make up somehow.

I'm promise you I'm the the last thing on his mind right now. Especially if Abby is there.

I could really go for a double cheese burger right now. My stomach is growling enough to scare away any Creepies that could be lurking around.

And as if god was answering my prayers, a night in a shining white van comes running at me.

I was so caught up in the fact that he had found me and running in my direction to realize what he was screaming and flaring his arms

"Watch out!"

And bang bang chicken wang, I was pulled backwards off the swing.

The only thing I can do is yelp like a helpless puppy.

I get back on my feet but the stranger behind me wouldn't let me any higher than waist level.

"Give me your wallet. Both of you." The masked perpetrator shouts.

"I don't have any money." I try to yell but it only comes out as a whisper.

They pull my hair again knocking me back to the ground.

"My wallet is in the van, I can go get it if-" josh says putting his hands in the air.

"Give me your keys." The man says, tightening the grip on my hair.

Joshes brows furrow and he digs in his pockets to retrieve the keys.

The man steps forward dragging me with him.

Suddenly Josh drags the keys across the man's face.

"Elly, run to the car."

Gotta blast.

I scurry to the car but can't help a tingle of worry run through me.

Hopefully Josh is as strong as he looks.


YEET YEET. I wanted to write this in Elly's pov so sorry for still leaving you on a cliff hanger.

ALSOOOOOO if any of you care about my personal life, made an 'about the author book' and it would make me happy if you would read and comment <3

Back On my Feet // A Josh Dun FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora