Where are you heading? > chapter sixteen

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Ellys pov

I set a plate of pancakes on the table and motion for josh to come eat.

I set down in front of him and pull my legs up to my chest.

"You got drunker than a skunk last night." I blurt out.

"Continue on." He shoves food in his mouth and motions for me to continue talking.

"You danced on stage, forced me to dance with you, puked on the floor, oh and you took your shirt and shoes off."

"I did what?" He nearly spits his pancakes out.

"I wouldn't lie."

The shocked expression never left his face. I do my best to suppress a giggle and instead make a slight wheezing sound.

"You almost puked on me!" I shout and start laughing. I laugh so hard tears streak down my cheeks but josh doesn't seem to be as amused at the situation. He quietly eats his pancakes and stirs the syrup around with his fork.

I feel guilty as heck.

"I mean you were a really cute drunk."

"How sweet of you!" Josh says sarcastically.

"Josh, I think I'm going to go out today." I say as I begin to eat my own stack of pancakes.

"Oh, let me drive you. I'm not doing anything today anyways." Josh says as he wipes his mouth off with his shirt sleeve.

"Oh no, I'm fine." I shove my plate in the sink and head to the couch to put my shoes on.

"No I insist. I'll go put my shoes on." Josh begins walking to his room.

"I- I have to get personal items!" I shout and josh stops in his place.

"Oh." His face drops as if he was disappointed.

"I would rather go by myself, plus I like taking the bus. How about we go out tonight? You choose."

"Okay." He grins lightly and returns to his giddy state.

I wave goodbye and make my way to the bus stop. The city is awake with the smell of exhaust and coffee tones floating in the breeze. The bus stops in just moments later and I climb on. Not one seat is open so I stand and try not to fall as the bus hits every pot hole in Ohio.

Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Mathew from the bar. He laughs, "Nice seeing you here."

My face turns bright red as I notice how pressed together we are, especially with the growing number of passengers on the bus.

"Y-yeah." I mumble.

"Where are you heading?"

"To visit an old friend."

"Oh, well this is my stop. See you soon Elly." He smiles and pushes his way past me and the other passengers.


About five minutes pass and I make it to my stop. I make my way through the crowd and off the bus.

The bus driver says goodbye as I stare up to the building that haunts my dreams.

'cityscene magazine'


City Scene is an actual magazine I was just too lazy to come up with my own name so I used a real one.



*Not edited

Back On my Feet // A Josh Dun FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora