Signs Shitty Pick Up Line

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Aries: "Are you the sun? Because damn your fucken hot"

Taurus: "I'll give up sweets if i could have a piece of this"

Gemini: "Shut up and kiss me cutie"

Cancer: "Love meh i'm cute'

Leo: "we would take cute couple selfies" *Wink, Wink*

Virgo: "You like pizza? Good come over here"

Libra: "If i could re-arrange the Alphabet i would put U and I together"

Scorpio: "Your lips look lonely wanna meet mine?"

Saggittarus: "Do you have a name? Or can I call you mine"

Capricorn: You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop

Aquarius: You + Me sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G

Pisces: Me, You, and the couch let's move

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